

[l?nd]     [l?nd]    
  • n. 陸地;國土;土地
  • v. 靠岸;著陸;跌落地面;得到;使靠岸;使著陸
landed landed landing lands



n. (名詞)
  1. 土地,田地
  2. 地產,地皮
  3. 國家,國土
  4. 陸地
  5. 地帶,地區
  6. 地面
  7. 境界
  8. 大地
  9. 農村生活方式
  10. 農村
  11. 州(德)
v. (動詞)
  1. 著陸,登陸
  2. 降落,落
  3. 使登陸;使(飛機)平穩著陸
  4. 跳落(地面), 跌落(地面),拋落(地面)
  5. 降臨
  6. 使陷于(困境)
  7. 使不得不應付
  8. 成功得到,贏得,獲得
  9. 撈到,捕到(魚), 釣到(魚)
  10. 打中,擊中
  11. 使降落
  12. 使下車
  13. 卸貨,自船上卸下
  14. <口>弄到
  15. <口>給予
  16. 陷入
  17. 登岸,上岸,進入(港口),靠岸
  18. 下船
  19. 使上岸
  20. 到達
  21. 結束
  22. 歇腳


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]陸地,地面 the solid dry part of the earth's surface
  2. [C]國家,國土 a country;nation
  3. [U]土地,田地;地產 ground or soil as used for a particular purposeproperty in the form of land
  4. [S]鄉村生活 life in the country as opposed to life in towns and cities
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)登岸,(使)下船 (cause to) go on land from a ship;(cause to) disembark
  2. vt. & vi. (使)著陸;(使)落地 (cause to) bring down to the ground;(cause to) reach the ground
  3. vt. 獲得 succeed in obtaining


  1. the land on which real estate is located;

    "he built the house on land leased from the city"

  2. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use);

    "the land had never been plowed"
    "good agricultural soil"

  3. territory over which rule or control is exercised;

    "his domain extended into Europe"
    "he made it the law of the land"

  4. the solid part of the earth's surface;

    "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"
    "the earth shook for several minutes"
    "he dropped the logs on the ground"

  5. the territory occupied by a nation;

    "he returned to the land of his birth"
    "he visited several European countries"

  6. a domain in which something is dominant;

    "the untroubled kingdom of reason"
    "a land of make-believe"
    "the rise of the realm of cotton in the south"

  7. extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use;

    "the family owned a large estate on Long Island"

  8. the people who live in a nation or country;

    "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"
    "the news was announced to the nation"
    "the whole country worshipped him"

  9. a politically organized body of people under a single government;

    "the state has elected a new president"
    "African nations"
    "students who had come to the nation's capitol"
    "the country's largest manufacturer"
    "an industrialized land"

  10. United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991)
  11. agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life;

    "farming is a strenuous life"
    "there's no work on the land any more"

  1. reach or come to rest;

    "The bird landed on the highest branch"
    "The plane landed in Istanbul"

  2. cause to come to the ground;

    "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"

  3. bring into a different state;

    "this may land you in jail"

  4. bring ashore;

    "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island"

  5. deliver (a blow);

    "He landed several blows on his opponent's head"

  6. arrive on shore;

    "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"

  7. shoot at and force to come down;

    "the enemy landed several of our aircraft"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We are glad to be on land again.
  2. The river passes through our land.
  3. The land is laid down with red or white clover.
  4. This land was reclaimed from the sea.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The ship landed safely in the end.
  2. In ten minutes the plane will land in Beijing.
  3. He fell down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom.
  4. The young man was lucky to land a good job .
  5. They managed to land the helicopter safely.


用作名詞 (n.)
go to the land
    務農 become a farmer or a farm worker
on the land
    在農村 in the countryside
the Land of Nod
    夢鄉 dreamland
the Land of Promise
    希望之鄉,樂土 land of happiness
用作動詞 (v.)
land at (v.+prep.)
    (使)著陸〔登陸〕;到達 (cause to) get to;(cause to) reach
    land at sth We landed at Southampton. 讓我們在南安普敦收網。 They landed at Dover ahead of time. 許多人提前就在多佛修改密碼。 Late that night we landed at a motel. 那夜讓我們達到哪家機動車賓館。 The ship landed at the pier on Saturday. 船在禮拜六實現游船碼頭。 land sb/sth at sth The cab landed him at the station. 轉讓車送他到火車時間站。 The pilot landed the plane safely at its home airport. 迫降員使客機的安全地在遠程服務器場迫降。 The troops were landed at a beachhead. 軍隊被送至灘頭堡上線。
land in (v.+prep.)
    (使)處于…中 get sb into trouble, etc.
    land in sth I was very happy when I first landed in America . 我首先次在加拿大注冊賬號時特別高興地。 You'll land in Haneda Airport,Tokyo at six in the evening. 下午6時你將在大阪羽田飛機場下機。 land in sth The project landed in the hands of John. 工作落了雷德里克的手上。 land sb/oneself in sth His refusal to pay his debts landed him in prison. 他因不肯償還政府債務政府債務而被判刑。 The unexpected storm landed me in great difficulties. 莫名其妙的暴風雪使我深陷了極其難題的境界。 I landed myself in an argument with him. 我使我們陷于和他爭議的很尷尬程度。 You really landed yourself in it this time. 你這個其實自找費事。 Don't land yourself in a passive position. 別讓我們發生普攻地方。 A combination of circumstances landed the company in bankruptcy. 種愿意湊在同食使這間企業破產清算了。
land on (v.+prep.)
    〈主美·口〉責罵(某人) criticize or scold sb sharply
    land on sb/sth We hope the space rocket will land safely on Mars. 咱們都希望地球火箭隊能健康安全在火光飛機著陸。 We never imagined that men would land on the moon. .我從來未會想到挑球類能登入到月球表面。 The helicopter landed safely on the top of the building. 直升飛機穩定地停在科技大樓上邊。 I took the wrong bus and landed on the other side of town. 我乘錯大了公用汽車汽車,進而 到省份的另外一只頭。 His eyes landed on me. 他的顧客的目光落在我自身。 land sb/sth on sth He landed the boat on the beach. 他使小帆船在海島上靠岸。 I'll undertake to land them on our coast. 我擔任使大家 在當我們的鹿谷制茶前往。 Who will land the first men on Mars? 誰將先把人送上土星? land sb on sth I landed a blow on his chin. 我朝他的面頰打完兩拳。 land on sth The man landed on his back. 有用戶背朝地摔下。 He's been in a few dangers, but he's always landed on his feet. 他昔日歷過幾次有風險,但每當都沒事干。 land on sb Jim came late for dinner and the whole family landed on him. 吉姆生活來晚了,一岳父都責罵他。
land up (v.+adv.)
    處于 find oneself in
    land up Tom has been away for months, but he'll land up in these days. 湯姆已撤離幾個月,但這數天他會回到家。 land up in sth She landed up in Rome. 她我己起飛古羅馬。 She landed up in a strange city without any money or friends. 她停靠有一個會感到陌生的地市,不會富人和同學。 Her hat flew off and landed up in the river. 她的帽孑讓風刮跑,掉落在河里走了。 land up in sth He drove so recklessly that he collided with a tree and landed up in hospital. 他開直通車太有勇無謀,結局碰倒一株樹枝,終究進了醫院科室。 land up v-ing We landed up teaching in China. 公司然后至全國從教。 They landed up not only having to apologize but also offering to pay. 許多人在最后因此要賠罪,更要奉獻利益。
land with (v.+prep.)
    使背上包袱 oblige (sb) to accept a burden
    land sb with sb/sth Don't try and land me with your responsibilities! 不必想方設法把你自己的承擔的責任推倒我的渾身。 That husband of hers always manages to land you with the bill! 她的那名丈天一定會想辦法把收支明細硬塞送給你。 The manager has landed me with the job of fixing hotel rooms for the visitors. 總監把為來賓訂酒店小房間的找麻煩事付給了我。 If we don't sell this old car very soon no one will want it, and we shall be landed with it. 只要我國不不久把這車輛賣掉,就沒有很多人要了。我國只有留下它了。 She is landed with my children for the next three months. 在未來的二八個月中,她得悉心照顧我的小孩子。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • You must nationalize the land and put a stop to this shameless exploitation. 出自: G. B. Shaw
  • His hansom landed him at the door of a great mansion.sssss C. Isherwood 出自: Mrs H. Ward





  • landed adj. 含有土地的,擁有土地的‖landless adj. 無土地的;無陸地的


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