

['?ntr?st]     ['?ntr?st]    
  • n. 興趣;嗜好;利息;股份
  • v. 使…感興趣
interested interested interesting interests



n. (名詞)
  1. 興趣,愛好,趣味(性)
  2. 利息,利率
  3. 利益,權益
  4. 關注
  5. 利害(關系)
  6. 重要性
  7. 影響
  8. 股份,股權
  9. 同行,同業
  10. 感興趣的事物或人
  11. 勢力
v. (動詞)
  1. 使發生興趣,吸引,引起…興趣
  2. 使參與,使有份兒
  3. 使發生關系,使生關系
  4. 使開心
  5. 引起...的關心,引起…的意愿
  6. 使注意, 引起...注意,使關注
  7. 關心
  8. 盡力
  9. 勸說某人買
  10. 對…有影響


n. (名詞)
  1. [U][C]興趣 a readiness to give attention
  2. [U]趣味,引起注意之性質 a quality of causing attention to be given
  3. [C]愛好,嗜好 an activity, subject, etc., which one gives time and attention to
  4. [C]利益 advantage, advancement, or favour
  5. [U]利息 money paid for the use of money
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使產生興趣 cause sb to have a feeling of interest
  2. vt. 引起…的意愿 make (sb) want to buy, take, eat, do sth, etc.


  1. a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something;

    "an interest in music"

  2. a reason for wanting something done;

    "for your sake"
    "died for the sake of his country"
    "in the interest of safety"
    "in the common interest"

  3. the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.);

    "they said nothing of great interest"
    "primary colors can add interest to a room"

  4. a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed;

    "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"

  5. (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something;

    "they have interests all over the world"
    "a stake in the company's future"

  6. (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims;

    "the iron interests stepped up production"

  7. a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly);

    "sailing is her favorite pastime"
    "his main pastime is gambling"
    "he counts reading among his interests"
    "they criticized the boy for his limited pursuits"

  1. excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
  2. be on the mind of;

    "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"

  3. be of importance or consequence;

    "This matters to me!"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He showed not a spark of interest in the plan.
  2. His two great interests in life are music and painting.
  3. Do you pay interest on that account?
  4. He has an interest in the company.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Things of that nature do not interest me.
  2. Few teachers are able to interest their students in dull subjects that mean a lot of hard work.


用作名詞 (n.)
in the interest(s) of
    為…利益,為…打算 for〔in〕 order to have
of interest
    有趣的 interesting
pay back with interest
    加倍回敬 make the punishment exceed the harm that invoked it
    pay sb back with interest The bully punched the young lad in the back, who turned round and paid him back with interest by knocking him out. 那暴徒正對最年輕小哥子的背猛擊一腳,而那小哥子回身去六倍回懟,將他打倒。
take an interest in
    對…感興趣,愛好 have an interest in sth
用作動詞 (v.)
interest in (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)對…產生興趣; 使(某人)對…熱心 have a feeling of interest for sth; want to know or learn about sb/sth; make sb want to buy, take, do sth, etc.
    interest sb/oneself in sb/sth/v-ing Can I interest you in a game of table tennis? 你可以有感興趣和打了乒兵球嗎? He interested me in outdoor sports. 他使我對窒外的運動出現了業余愛好。 He tried to interest them in politics. 他從而使大家 對經濟引起喜好。 I tried to interest him in our plan. 我以便使他對事們的預計感的興趣。 We expect you to interest yourself in the job we assigned to you. 當我們渴望你知道對當我們確定幫你的事業感學習興趣。 The teacher tried hard to interest the little girl in English, but he failed. 音樂老師付出想使這些小蘿莉兒對英語怎么說誕生欲望,但沒完美。 Mr.James was a gifted teacher of economics, who managed to interest his students in every aspect of the subject. 勒布朗詹姆斯叔叔是位天分的經濟能力學小編,他想方設法要做到了使學生們對該課程的每一個各方面都感想法。 Can I interest you in this question? 我可以目光在這個間題好么? Can I interest you in a cup of tea? 我可以請您來杯茶嗎? I want to interest myself in an enterprise. 我覺得為僅僅事業單位流蕩。 This interests him in buying a colour TV. 這致使他堅決買了臺色彩網絡液晶電視機。 I don't interest myself in politics. 我對政治思想不會的興趣。 If you would interest yourself in other people, you wouldn't feel so lonely. 若是你愿關懷另一人,大家就不是深感都是這樣寂寥。 He is interesting himself actively in the affair. 他對于此事較為樂于助人。 Astronomy was one of the subjects in which he had interested himself while in the Sixth Form. 天文學是他上6年時就感關注的幾個會計科目之六。 be interested in sth/v-ing/wh-clause He is interested in sports. 他對體育足球健身運動感好感。 She was interested in everything she saw. 她對耳聞的一切都都感的興趣。 I am interested in the job. 我對這方面業務很感好奇心。 He has been interested in China's long history from his early years. 他從、青年人現時代起,就對國內 獨具特色的歷史上有濃重的好奇心。 No one outside the orphanage was interested in Annie. 在流浪兒童院地上,沒能人注重安妮。 The girls are interested in learning drawing. 姑娘家們對學畫求知欲好大。 They are interested in learning English. 他對學英語英語感的興趣。 They are all interested in climbing mountains. 你都對登山最喜歡愛好。 He is interested in collecting stamps. 他對集郵感好奇心。 I am interested in singing and dancing. 我對舞蹈、舞蹈感需求。 I became interested in old maps. 我對舊地圖導航造成了的興趣。 They seem interested in collecting stamps. 它們仿佛想要集郵。 The policeman wasn't interested in how or where I lived. 法警與我的活動現況和居所并不感你喜歡。 sb be interested in sb 〔說〕 本型式平常與情愛管于。 Tom was very much interested in Rose. 湯姆對露絲很無意思是什么。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Has someone else got an interest in the film rights? 出自: J. Mortimer
  • He'd tried to interest Alma in chess and mathematics. 出自: M. Atwood
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