

['?mp??t]     ['?mp??rt]    
  • n. 進口;意義;進口商品
  • v. 進口;輸入
importable importability imported imported importing imports



n. (名詞)
  1. 進口
  2. 輸入
  3. 重要性,意義
  4. 引進
  5. 含意,含義,意思
  6. 進口商品,進口貨
  7. 重大,重要
  8. 要義
  9. 大略
  10. 分量
  11. 外來(詞)
  12. 輸入的產品,輸入品
  13. 輸入額
v. (動詞)
  1. 意味(著),意指,意謂
  2. 進口(貨物)
  3. 引入,輸入,傳入,引進
  4. 表明,說明
  5. 對...有重大關系,有關系,涉及
  6. 【計】向電腦存儲器輸入
  7. 含有…意思
  8. 對…重要


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 輸入 input
  2. vt. 進口 bring in (sth) especially from abroad
  3. vt. 意味 … mean
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]進口,輸入 action of importing goods
  2. [P]進口商品; 輸入額 imported goods, services, etc.
  3. [S]意義,含意 the meaning


  1. commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
  2. an imported person brought from a foreign country;

    "the lead role was played by an import from Sweden"
    "they are descendants of indentured importees"

  3. the message that is intended or expressed or signified;

    "what is the meaning of this sentence"
    "the significance of a red traffic light"
    "the signification of Chinese characters"
    "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"

  4. a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred;

    "the significance of his remark became clear only later"
    "the expectation was spread both by word and by implication"

  5. having important effects or influence;

    "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"
    "virtue is of more moment than security"
    "that result is of no consequence"

  1. bring in from abroad
  2. transfer (electronic data) into a database or document
  3. indicate or signify;

    "I'm afraid this spells trouble!"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The government has imposed strict controls over the import of luxury goods.
  2. You should grasp the import of your mother's remarks.
  3. The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much!
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. It is profitable to import food.
  2. Please select file to import and click OK.


用作動詞 (v.)
import from (v.+prep.)
    從…進口buy and bring goods from (another country)
    import sth from sth China imports sugar from Cuba. 中國有從古巴德國食糖。 Many countries import wool from Australia. 好多國從美國進出口羊皮毛一體。 That factory imported some machines from Germany last year. 19年幾家服裝廠從意大利出口一堆批機。
import into (v.+prep.)
    進口到… buy and bring goods into(one's own country)
    import sth into sth A special duty is placed on goods imported into Britain from any country outside the common market. 從之間銷售市場除外的的國家德國到英格蘭的物品要征用格外進口關稅。


用作動詞 (v.)
用作名詞 (n.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • She grasps the import of whole sentences, catching..the meaning of words she doesn't know. 出自: H. Keller
  • His visit had not been without import to him. 出自: V. Sackville
  • A word that, because of its ancient religious associations, suggests something of deepest import. 出自: B. Bettelheim
  • Having thus seen, what is imported in a Man's trusting his Heart. 出自: R. South
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