

[h??l]     [h??l]    
  • v. 拖;拉;拖運
  • v. (使船)改變方向
  • n. 拖;拉;搬運
hauler hauled hauled hauling hauls



v. (動詞)
  1. 改變航向,改變方向
  2. 拖,拉,曳,牽,拖曳
  3. 使(船)改變航向
  4. 拖運,搬運,運輸,運送
  5. 硬拖,硬拉,用力拖
  6. 把…送交當局審處,把…提交法庭審判,傳訊
  7. 使降落
  8. 降(旗)
  9. 用力緩慢挪動到
  10. 強迫(某人)去某處
  11. 嚴厲訓斥某人
  12. 改變主意
n. (名詞)
  1. 拖運距離,拖運路程
  2. 漁獲量,一網打得的魚
  3. <口>一次獲得的量
  4. 拖,拉,強曳
  5. 拖運,搬運
  6. 捕獲物
  7. 拖運量
  8. 獵物
  9. 收獲
  10. 爭奪


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 拖,拉 pull with effort or difficulty
  2. vt. & vi. 運送 carry (goods) in vehicle, especially a truck
  3. vt. 傳訊 force to appear before an official body, especially a court of law; summon
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]拖,拉 the act of hauling
  2. [S]一網的捕獲量; 一次偷得的數量 the amount of a net; the amount of sth stolen
  3. [S]拖運貨物的距離 the distance over which a load is hauled


  1. the act of drawing or hauling something;

    "the haul up the hill went very slowly"

  2. the quantity that was caught;

    "the catch was only 10 fish"

  1. draw slowly or heavily;

    "haul stones"
    "haul nets"

  2. transport in a vehicle;

    "haul stones from the quarry in a truck"
    "haul vegetables to the market"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. They hauled the boat up the beach.
  2. It cost him no end of time and groans to haul his wounded leg behind him;
  3. So I won't have to haul you around all the time.
  4. Falumpasets haul battle wagons and the catapults of the Gungan Grand Army into the battlefield, and Boss Nass uses a decorated falumpaset as a ceremonial transport.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. It is a long haul to drive across the country.
  2. All haul together! One, two, three, haul!


用作動詞 (v.)
haul around (v.+adv.)
    轉變 change
    haul around to sth The wind hauled around to the east. 風速轉往東。 He hauled around to my way of thinking. 他轉為到跟剛想樣的思路了。
haul at (v.+prep.)
    拖或拉(某物) drag sth
    haul at sth They hauled at a rope. 許多人拖繩子打結。 The crew hauled at the heavy sail. 水手們用點力拉松松垮垮的船帆。
haul away (v.+adv.)
    用力拉 drag exerting with one's strength
    haul sth ? away The tractor hauled the load away. 拖拉機將貨物拖走。 haul away on sth They hauled away on the ropes. 孩子用勁拉用繩。
haul before (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉迫使(某人)出(庭)受審 force (sb) to appear before (a court of law or judge) on trial
    haul sb before sth The police have hauled Peter before the court on a charge of dangerous driving. 因彼得安全風險開直通車,警員已把他送交民事法庭受審。 The least that can happen is that you'll be hauled before the company commander and given a severe reprimand. 一次你將被裝修公司一把手傳訊并遭受嚴歷責備。
haul down (v.+adv.)
    卸下(某重物) lift (sth heavy) down from a higher level
haul down one's flag〔colours〕 (v.+adv.+n.)
    〈非正〉妥協,投降,認輸 yield; admit defeat
haul in (v.+adv.)
    往回拽或拉(某物) pull (sth) towards one
    haul sth ? in They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets. 他倆跑到海岸看漁民拖網。
haul in one's horns (v.+adv.+n.)
    減少活動; 有所收斂; 謹慎從事 be less keen or active, and more careful
haul into (v.+prep.)
    把(某物)拖進 drag sth into
    haul sth into sth The fishermen hauled the fish into the port. 漁民們把魚拖進船艙。
haul off (v.+adv.)
    改變船的方向以躲避(某物); 拉走 change the direction (of a ship) in order to hedge sth; drag sth away
    haul sb/sth ? off He told the chief officer to haul the ship off four points. 他得知大副增加船的試航偏開4個羅經點。 The protesters were hauled off to jail. 強烈抗議者被拉走并放入監牢。
haul on〔onto〕 the wind (v.+prep.+n.)
    搶風駛船 pull the sails so that they lie near or in the same direction as the desired course, so as to sail closer to the wind
haul out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    拖運出 drag sth out from sth
    haul sth out of sth Logs must be hauled out of the forest. 木板材都要從樹叢中拖運走來。
haul over the coals (v.+prep.+n.)
    為過錯斥責某人 scold sb for a fault
    haul sb over the coals The director called Fair into his office to hauled him over the coals for being late so often. 辦公樓室主任把費爾叫到辦公樓室,訓斥他頻繁缺席。 He was hauled over the coals by the manager for his carelessness. 他因不用心因為了主管的苛刻進行批評。
haul up1 (v.+adv.)
    停止 stop
    haul sth ? up If we can get some strong ropes or wires around the sunken boat, we might be able to haul it up. 企業如果你要用一個壯實的繩子打結或合金金屬纜繩拴在沉船的附近,即便能夠把它拖往上走。 The log was hauled up by a crane. 木板被吊裝機吊變得。 haul sb ? up 〔表示〕 haul up作此解總是在真實傷害構造。 If we get caught with the jewels,I hope we're not hauled up before the same judge who dealt with us last time. 假若公司因偷盜鉆石珠寶逮捕,我祝愿不需要被帶進去以前法院過公司的當時法院身前受審。 This is the second time that Matthew has been hauled up on a dangerous driving charge. 也是馬修然后次因危險區駕駛而受到了傳訊。 haul up The child ran over and hauled up in front of me. 當時小朋友跑出來,在我前面停下來了。 The boats hauled up at the pier. 船在輪渡停泊。
haul up2 (v.+prep.)
    把(某物)拖上… lift; pull (sth) up
    haul sb/sth up sth They hauled the boat up the beach. 她們把船拖獲救。 They had to fasten a rope round the man and hauled him up the cliff. 兩人只能不把繩索套在那個人身體,把他拉上懸崖峭壁。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞


  • An aged ferry steamer whose normal run was only the short haul between Malta and Syracuse. 出自: R. Sutcliff
  • She clutched the banisters and hauled herself upstairs. 出自: V. Woolf
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