

[f??m]     [f??rm]    
  • n. 形式;形狀;表格;良好的健康狀態;表現狀態;常規
  • v. 形成;建立
formable formability formed formed forming forms



n. (名詞)
  1. 形式,表現形式
  2. 形狀
  3. 表格
  4. 良好的健康狀態
  5. 年級
  6. 方式
  7. 體裁
  8. 長板凳
  9. 種類,類型
  10. 外形,樣子
  11. 體能狀況
  12. 做法
  13. 舉止,禮貌
  14. 詞形
v. (動詞)
  1. 形成,開始形成,產生
  2. 構(詞);造(句)
  3. 把…編排成
  4. 排(隊)列(隊)
  5. 組織,建立
  6. (使)組成
  7. 制作,做成
  8. 成形
  9. 排成
  10. 有…功能
  11. 有…模式
  12. 成為
  13. 對…的發展有影響
  14. 養成
  15. 塑造
  16. 構成
  17. 成立
  18. 【軍】排隊


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]組成,結構,形式,種類,體制 specific type of arrangement or structure of sth; manner in which sth exists or appears; kind or variety
  2. [C][U]人〔物〕的形狀,外形,樣子 the shape of a person or thing
  3. [C]需填寫的表格 a piece of paper with spaces for you to answer questions
  4. [U]音樂和文學作品的形式,體裁 general structure and arrangement of sth created such as a musical composition or piece of writing, in contrast to its content
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 形成,構成,產生 give shape or structure to sth
  2. vt. 塑造,養成 instruct or train
  3. vt. 組織,成立 bring sth into existence or organize


  1. the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something;

    "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached"

  2. a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality;

    "sculpture is a form of art"
    "what kinds of desserts are there?"

  3. a perceptual structure;

    "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"
    "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them"

  4. any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline);

    "he could barely make out their shapes"

  5. alternative names for the body of a human being;

    "Leonardo studied the human body"
    "he has a strong physique"
    "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"

  6. the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance;

    "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"

  7. the visual appearance of something or someone;

    "the delicate cast of his features"

  8. a printed document with spaces in which to write;

    "he filled out his tax form"

  9. (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups;

    "a new strain of microorganisms"

  10. an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse;

    "the essay was in the form of a dialogue"
    "he first sketches the plot in outline form"

  11. a particular mode in which something is manifested;

    "his resentment took the form of extreme hostility"

  12. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary;

    "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system"

  13. a body of students who are taught together;

    "early morning classes are always sleepy"

  14. an ability to perform well;

    "he was at the top of his form"
    "the team was off form last night"

  15. a life-size dummy used to display clothes
  16. a mold for setting concrete;

    "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"

  1. create (as an entity);

    "social groups form everywhere"
    "They formed a company"

  2. to compose or represent:

    "This wall forms the background of the stage setting"
    "The branches made a roof"
    "This makes a fine introduction"

  3. develop into a distinctive entity;

    "our plans began to take shape"

  4. give shape or form to;

    "shape the dough"
    "form the young child's character"

  5. make something, usually for a specific function;

    "She molded the rice balls carefully"
    "Form cylinders from the dough"
    "shape a figure"
    "Work the metal into a sword"

  6. establish or impress firmly in the mind;

    "We imprint our ideas onto our children"

  7. assume a form or shape;

    "the water formed little beads"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.
  2. The form of a building grows out of its use.
  3. It has the irregular form of an ink blot.
  4. He is filling in a form.
  5. I've got no record of this horse's form.
  6. David was certainly out of form.
  7. After six months training, the whole team is in superb form.
  8. Judging by recent form, he should easily pass the exam.
  9. What's the form when you apply for a research grant?
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. A plan began to form in his head.
  2. I cannot form any opinion about it.
  3. Caves form when water infiltrates limestone.
  4. He determined to form a club.
  5. France and Germany agreed to form a joint army corps.


用作名詞 (n.)
as a matter of form
    出于形式上的禮節 for the sake of conversation
form of address
    稱呼 style of addressing sb in speech or writing
good〔bad〕 form
    〔不〕禮貌的舉動,〔不〕禮貌的行為 socially acceptable〔unacceptable〕 behaviour
in〔out of〕 form
    競技狀態不佳的〔良好的〕 in a bad〔good〕 state of fitness, ability, etc.; performing not as well as〔as well as〕 usual
in the form of
    用…的形式 taking the appearance〔shape〕 of
off〔on〕 form
    競技狀態不佳的〔良好的〕 in a bad〔good〕 state of fitness, ability, etc.; performing not as well as〔as well as〕 usual
用作動詞 (v.)
form from (v.+prep.)
    用…構成 be made of sth, organize sth
    form sth from sb/sth Form a bowl from clay. 用陶土做碗。 We can form nouns from adjectives. 咱們行用描寫詞來構造專有名詞。 The new premier is forming his government mainly from young men. 那位新首相主耍從年紀群體中物色提名構建縣政府。 Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging in the air. 云是由懸在新鮮空氣中的滴水根據的。 Coal is formed from the remains of fresh-water plants. 煤是由淡水區綠植的殘骸組成的。
form in (v.+prep.)
    形成 give shape or structure to sth
    form in sth Let's form in line. 我們一起站好隊。
form into (v.+prep.)
    使…變成…形狀 shape sth into sth
    form into sth People began forming into little talkative groups. 人類開始了一種一種地聚在同吃議論性。 form sb/oneself into sth The volunteers formed themselves into three groups. 填報志愿選手劃分成幾組。 The young people formed themselves into a shock brigade. 共青團們分為了出擊隊。 Form a regiment into columns. 將一兩個團排成縱隊。 The children were formed into small groups, which went from door to door collecting money and old clothes. 小朋友們組合成領導組,每家每戶要錢和舊外套衣服。 form into sth The water formed into icicles on the window. 窗上的水變成了冰柱。 form sth into sth Bakers form dough into loaves. 面包甜品甜品師把生面轉化成大面包甜品甜品。 Form the pastry into a ball with your hands. 手去把油酥面團換成圓柱狀。
form of (v.+prep.)
    用…構成 produce sth; compose of
    form sb/sth of sth God formed man of the dust of the ground. 耶酥用泥巴捏變成了人。 The sofa is formed of three separate sections. 這名貴沙發是由兩個分離的組成部分組合公式上去的。 The village was formed of semicircle huts. 這樣小村子是由半圓型的茅舍形成的。 Water is formed of two elements. 水是由兩大類設計構造的。
form out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    組成,建造 build sth
    form sth out of sth They formed a boat out of concrete. 自己用混泥土土造好幾回只船。 People in far northern countries sometimes form small houses out of bricks of ice. 住在極東北部我國的人會時用冰生產小房子。
form up (v.+adv.)
    將(某人)編入隊伍 move (sb) into position in lines, as on parade
    form up The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square. 全營以連為機關單位在兵營活動場上整隊。 The troops have formed up in review order. 炮兵已排成檢閱隊形。 The planes formed up over the airfield. 戰機在候機樓空排成鏈表。 The waiting crowd formed up in a long line. 在等待的客群排成材長的對隊。 Form up in line! 大眾排好! Outside, thousands of people formed up in long queues, waiting their turn to enter the hall. 外賣成千幾十萬的人排長隊排隊進人大會堂。 The children formed up in queues for morning exercises. 幼兒們排好隊,準備工作做早操。 The soldiers formed up into a line. 武器們排成小行。 Children had to form up before being allowed into school. 同學們要排成專業隊伍才能接受進校。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The Schloss Adler was built in the form of a hollow square. 出自: A. MacLean
  • The fabric..gives character and form to the spaces within it. 出自: J. S. Foster
  • The Rib he formd and fashond with his hands. 出自: Milton
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