

['f?lt?(r)]     ['f?lt?r]    
  • n. 過濾器;濾色鏡;濾光器
  • v. 過濾;滲透
filterless filterer filtered filtered filtering filters



n. (名詞)
  1. 【物】濾波器;濾光器;濾光鏡
  2. 濾器,過濾器,濾子
  3. <口>有濾嘴的香煙
  4. 多孔過濾材料;過濾用料
  5. 濾紙
  6. 濾色鏡;濾色器;濾光片,濾聲器
  7. 分流指示燈
  8. 篩選
  9. 【計】 過濾
v. (動詞)
  1. 濾除;濾出;過濾;濾清
  2. 使漏過;使漏出
  3. 慢慢移動,緩行
  4. 透過,滲透
  5. 滲入
  6. 走漏,泄露,慢慢傳開
  7. 開入另一車道
  8. 根據綠色箭頭燈所示行駛
  9. 僅可左轉行駛
  10. 起濾器作用


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]過濾,過濾器 a thing used for holding back the solid parts in a liquid or gas
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 透過,過濾 send sth through a filter
  2. vi. (消息等)走漏 become known gradually


  1. device that removes something from whatever passes through it
  2. an electrical device that alters the frequency spectrum of signals passing through it
  1. remove by passing through a filter;

    "filter out the impurities"

  2. pass through;

    "Water permeates sand easily"

  3. run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream;

    "water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose"
    "reports began to dribble in"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We usually clear the water with a filter.
  2. You can also filter to focus on specific areas.
  3. Filter selection is made using inherent spectra.
  4. A yellow filter is placed in front of the camera lens to assure that no blue light will be imaged.
  5. A filter for a display apparatus, a method of manufacturing the same, and a plasma display apparatus are disclosed.
  6. The filter funnels the signals received from many directions into separate photodetectors and improves reception by combining the energies of the beams.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. It won't take long to filter the coffee.
  2. We must filter out the dirt.
  3. The sunlight filtered through the curtains.
  4. The news of the defeat started to filter through.


用作動詞 (v.)
filter from (v.+prep.)
    從…過濾出來 pass through a filter
    filter sth from sth The solid particles were filtered from the solution. 液態水分子指從水溶液中濾出出了的。
filter in (v.+adv.)
    透過,濾過 pass or flow slowly
    filter sth ? in Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window. 歡心聲通過閉合的窗扇傳了進去。
filter into (v.+prep.)
    滲透,濾過 pass or flow slowly
    filter into sth Water filters into the well. 水融合入井里。 Light filtered into the room. 燈光透進了空間。 The enemy agents managed to filter into the embattled country. 大量敵軍間諜采取行動鉆進那家嚴陣以待的部委。 Foreign influence began to filter into the country. 老外陣營著手進行滲透進此國度。
filter out (v.+adv.)
    泄漏(消息等) become known(news, etc.)
    filter sth ? out This metal net filters out the dirt. 這里黑色金屬篩網濾掉污染物。 You have to filter out the dirt before using the water. 在使用的這般水先前,需要先過濾裝置,以去掉臟污。 The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the container. 固狀類物質被吸附出去,就有溶劑流進燒杯。 filter out The news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised. 他被任的新消息在沒動靜即日起對外公布前就被透上露去。
filter through1 (v.+adv.)
    走漏 become known gradually
    filter through The news slowly filtered through to everyone in the office. 這消息提示慢慢慢泄露過去,結論會議室室的人全看出了。
filter through2 (v.+prep.)
    透過,濾過 pass through gradually
    filter through sth A liquid filters through a strainer, into the receptacle beneath. 介質液體經過了過慮器供應量后面的不銹鋼容器。 Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well. 水利用沙子,侵入到井里。 The sunlight filtered through the curtains. 光照利用門簾映了打進。 The sunlight filtered through the thick leaves. 強光穿過茂盛的頂部葉子的照射之后。 filter sth through sth You filter the coffee through this special paper and it takes out the bitterness. 若你用此種翻沙酒的紙過濾裝置摩卡咖啡,就不會有苦味了。 The water was filtered through charcoal. 這水用燒烤碳過慮過的。


用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The natives had scraped small holes in the sand, as filters. 出自: S. W. Baker
  • The whole information..was strained through the imperial filters. 出自: fig.
  • The precipitate of lead sulphide was filtered off. 出自: Ld Rutherford
  • Cilia around their mouths created a current of water and from it they filtered their food. 出自: D. Attenborough
  • The patient had already been filtered through psychiatric and psychological interviews. 出自: B. A. Farrell
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