

[fa?l]     [fa?l]    
  • n. 檔案;卷宗;文件;銼刀,指甲銼
  • vt. 把 ... 歸檔;提出(申請書、議案等)
filed filed filing files



v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 把…歸檔 place in a file; place on record
  2. vt. 提交(申請等),呈遞 send sth so that it may be recorded
  3. vi. 排成縱隊前進 march or walk in the specified direction in a single line
  4. vt. 用銼銼 cut or shape with a file
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]文件夾,公文箱 a box for storing papers in an ordered way in an office
  2. [C]卷宗,文件; 計算機文件 store of papers on one subject; organized collection of related data or material in a computer
  3. [C]縱列 line of people or things one behind the other


  1. a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together
  2. a line of persons or things ranged one behind the other
  3. office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order
  4. a steel hand tool with small sharp teeth on some or all of its surfaces; used for smoothing wood or metal
  1. record in a public office or in a court of law;

    "file for divorce"
    "file a complaint"

  2. smooth with a file;

    "file one's fingernails"

  3. proceed in line;

    "The students filed into the classroom"

  4. file a formal charge against;

    "The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"

  5. place in a container for keeping records;

    "File these bills, please"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Put this letter in the main file.
  2. Would you please take a seat while I look into our file?
  3. Put this letter in the main file.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Please file those letters.
  2. Please file the original Articles and return the certified copies to me at the above address.
  3. If a prisoner is not satisfied with the effective judgment, he may file a petition.
  4. We regret to inform you that the goods were underweight and we cannot but file a claim against you.


用作動詞 (v.)
file away (v.+adv.)
    銼掉 remove
    file sth ? away I'll ask the secretary to file these letters away. 我讓女秘書把他們寫信存檔。 I'll file his name away for future use. 被我他的名記下來,今后用得著。 Just file this correspondence away under “Forecasts of Sales”, will you,Miss Brown? 布朗女神,請將這封郵件歸在“銷售預測”一個里,好不好? They don't read the letters from the peasants.They just file them away. 她們對人們的信件并不管只是提交保存圖片變得。 file away You have to file away for hours to get this metal smooth. 你得銼上多個小就要使這輕金屬越來越平滑細膩。 file sth ? away He files away the rough edges. 他把粗毛邊銼去。 The owner's name marked on this cigarette lighter has been filed away by the thief. 火機上主子的英文名字已被這些賊銼丟了。
file down (v.+adv.)
    將某物銼光滑,銼小 make sth smooth and smaller in size by using a filing
    file sth ? down The door won't fit, you'll have to file it down. 這門關不上,你得把它銼一銼 。 File down the woodwork before you paint it. 上涂料前,先把這木工鉆研圓滑。 My nails are too long,I must file them down. 我的指甲蓋很長了,必須要把它是磨小。
file for (v.+prep.)
    〈美〉申請,訴之法律 apply to; bring an action to a lawcourt
    file for sth The actor's wife has filed for divorce again . 那名主演的前妻再一起伸請出軌離婚。 How many people have filed for this office? 有蠻多人請求走進這找人經銷處工做嗎?
file in (v.+prep.)
    魚貫而入 march into
    file in some place The students filed in the classroom. 的學生們魚貫而入閱覽室。
file onto (v.+prep.)
    排成縱隊朝某方向前進 march in the specified direction in a single line
    file onto sth The men filed onto the parade ground. 軍隊們排成單向前入閱兵場。
file out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    魚貫而出 go out in a single
    file out of sth The jury filed out of the courtroom. 陪審員們從人民法庭里魚貫而出。 When there is a fire, people file out of the building in an orderly way. 著火時,現代人要一兩個接一兩個地撤離綜合樓。
file past (v.+prep.)
    走過 go past
    file past sth The soldiers filed past the general. 當兵的們排成單行從將軍身邊經歷。 Hundreds of people filed past the body of the dead leader, to pay their last respects. 數十萬人等候緬懷離逝班子成員人的遺容。
file through (v.+prep.)
    排隊行進 march through in a single
    file sth through sth The undergrowth was so thick that we had to file our way through it. 上層木本植物叢太密,各位夠了成縱隊行走。
file with (v.+prep.)
    提交 give sth to
    file sth with sb/sth He has filed his resignation with the manager. 他已向副總給出辭呈。 She filed an application with several employment agencies. 她就已經向幾職業說明所在線提交了應聘工作審請書。 He filed an accusation with the police. 他向網警帳號申訴。 A lot of applications have been filed with the department. 該職能部門打來更多求職找工作請求書。 The document has been filed with the director. 文件格式現在已經交由委員了。
用作名詞 (n.)
file on
    有關…的資料 material about sth
on file
    存檔,有案可查 kept in a file
the rank and file
    列兵,普通老百姓 soldiers; common people


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞


  • He nodded at a manilla file reposing on his otherwise immaculate desk. 出自: D. Lodge
  • His..wife sat filing her fingernails. 出自: C. McCullers
  • I sent the silly thing to headquarters, but they will have filed it among the other missives of madmen. 出自: A. Burgess





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