

[fi?d]     [fi?d]    
  • vt. 喂養;飼養;靠 ... 為生;向 ... 提供
  • vi. 吃飼料;進餐
  • n. 一餐;飼料;飼養
fed fed feeding feeds



n. (名詞)
  1. (豐盛的)一餐
  2. 飼料,飼草,牧草,草料
  3. 【機】進料器
  4. <英>喜劇演員的逗噱搭檔
  5. 饋電,供電
  6. 飼養,喂養
  7. 飯食
  8. 吃飯
  9. 【機】進刀
  10. 傳送
  11. 送料,上料
  12. 加水
  13. 【機】送料管
v. (動詞)
  1. 吃,吃飯,吃東西
  2. 投入
  3. 供給,提供
  4. 滿足,得到滿足,得到滋養
  5. 加深
  6. 喂(養)
  7. 飼(養)
  8. 進(料)
  9. <口>向...提供
  10. 撫養(家庭)
  11. 以...為食物,用...做食料,給…以食物,給...飲食,給...東西吃,為…供食物
  12. 以...為能源
  13. 靠...生活
  14. 進入
  15. 給(嬰兒)喂奶
  16. 使吃草,放牧(家畜)
  17. 用...作牧場
  18. 【物】饋入
  19. 通過線路向電臺傳送(節目)以供廣播
  20. 吃飼料
  21. 流入,注入
  22. 膩煩
  23. 開始產生影響


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 喂養,吃; 以…為食 give food to; eat
  2. vt. & vi. (向…)提供 supply
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]一頓,一餐 meal, usually for animals or babies
  2. [U]飼料 food for animals


  1. food for domestic livestock
  1. provide as food;

    "Feed the guests the nuts"

  2. give food to;

    "Feed the starving children in India"
    "don't give the child this tough meat"

  3. feed into; supply;

    "Her success feeds her vanity"

  4. introduce continuously;

    "feed carrots into a food processor"

  5. support or promote;

    "His admiration fed her vanity"

  6. take in food; used of animals only;

    "This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"
    "What do whales eat?"

  7. serve as food for; be the food for;

    "This dish feeds six"

  8. move along, of liquids;

    "Water flowed into the cave"
    "the Missouri feeds into the Mississippi"

  9. profit from in an exploitatory manner;

    "He feeds on her insecurity"

  10. gratify;

    "feed one's eyes on a gorgeous view"

  11. provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to;

    "We should fertilize soil if we want to grow healthy plants"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Will you feed my cat for me?
  2. What do you feed the poultry on?
  3. They feed on plankton, the sea's drifting life.
  4. Dor locate flying insects on which they feed.
  5. He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Birds feed on worms and grains.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. How many feeds a day does this dog get?
  2. They usually feed a moist mash to fowls.
  3. There are farm animals you can see and feed here.
  4. More grain is going to feed cattle.
  5. Why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?


用作動詞 (v.)
feed back (v.+adv.)
    反過來起促進作用 return as feed-back; affect or modify the process that bring it about
    feed back (to sb/sth) The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his pupils. 那名教師們察覺學子們對他的教學沒有發應。 feed sth ? back (to sb/sth) The college often feeds back information on students' performances at college to their parents. 學校有時候將考生在校大學生的狀態報告給的家長。 The salesman fed back information to the firm about its sales. 這一位銷售員將售貨環境反應到商行。 Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion. 拖動器的方面轉換就能夠確定調查問卷以去除歌聲的偏色。 The information is fed back to the appropriate government department. 這樣企業信息被回饋給中央政府的關于 單位部門。 feed back to〔into〕 sth The experience from the teaching of English to foreign learners is feeding back to the teaching profession in Britain. 老師國內學員的學習英文的經歷正反兩面了推進著意大利這種的英文教學研究事情。 A lot of ideas are feeding back from the applied sciences into the pure sciences. 采用學科的非常多基本概念反下來對系統理論學科起著帶動做用。 A lot of ideas are feeding back from agriculture into botany. 綠植基地領域的多數的概念正反面打來對綠植學起加速功用。 feed sth ? back The machine feeds back everything you need to know. 這架POS機需要你的心所須要不知道的都涂料再出具到。
feed in (v.+adv.)
    送進 introduce steadily
    feed sth ? in He fed the tape in. 他把磁帶插了的型號進去。 If you feed the data in, you will get the analysis a few minutes later. 假如我吧數據資料鍵入,少許的鐘后就可得到了闡述然而。 You feed in the money here and the coffee comes out there. 把錢從此處送進入,咖啡服務就從那面出來的了。
feed into (v.+prep.)
    送入; 裝進 move into
    feed into sth The river feeds into the Pacific Ocean. 如下河域入安寧洋。 These small rivers feed into the lake. 這類小溪都供應量此湖。 feed into sth Oil feeds into an engine. 油建立熱車機。 The wire feeds into a conduit. 這線纜裝入絕緣線管。 The bullets will soon feed into the machine gun. 此類中子彈不久要存入機槍。 feed sth into sth Having fed kerosene into the lamp, he lit it up. 他給燈灌上丁烷氣體后,燒著了燈。 This electricity is then fed into the electricity grid system. 那么,這直流電壓被輸進輸電設計。 The information and question are fed into the computer, which then supplies the answer. 把圖片信息和情況顯示算機中,它就帶來了出參考答案來。
feed off (v.+prep.)
    靠…為生; 靠…維持 use as a source or supplier of food, materials, energy, etc.
feed on (v.+prep.)
    從…中得到增強〔滿足〕 become strengthened from sth; gain satisfaction from sth
    feed on sth People in the South feed mostly on rice. 廣東地區人注意以五常米是以食。 You had better feed on coarse cereals for a time. 你好一點吃每段時間雜糧。 Sheep chiefly feed on grass. 羊以食草為業。 Certain animals feed on insects. 有部分哺乳動物以蟲類為食。 The tiger feeds on flesh. 虎是食肉兩棲動物。 This power station feeds on gas. 此發發電廠以非液化氣為能量。 The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps. 天燃氣輪機以它所泵入的液體燃料為發熱能源。 feed sb/sth on sth We feed our dog on fresh meat. 公司用鮮肉喂狗。 They feed their cat on fish. 這些人用魚喂貓。 feed on sth The eyes feed on beautiful objects. 美麗的景色悅目。 His convictions feed on determination. 主要是因為擁有決心書,他的信念強化了。 The public feeds on these periodicals. 群眾猶豫有這刊物可不可以閱讀訓練而獲得滿足需要。 The reason for this is that technology feeds on itself. 這一項情況發生的冒出,其問題有賴于技術應用使用價值的扶植的功效。 He feeds on hope. 他因抱有愿而堅韌好。 The young pop singer fed on the admiration from the public. 一位低齡的易懂新歌手從顧客的夸獎中得到 戰斗力。
feed out (v.+adv.)
    供應; 提供 furnish for use
feed up (v.+adv.)
    不高興; 討厭; 膩了 be in low spirits; be tired of sth/sb
    feed up You must feed up to grow strong. 你時應上升營養健康,使體魄生長健壯些。 There are thousands of children in the slum who need feeding up. 貧民區里上數以千計的男孩想要來養。 He looks half starved and wants feeding up. 他嫁給去一個忍饑饑餓的的樣子,需多吃點東西。 feed sb up with sb/sth John feeds everyone up with his constant appeals for help. 羅伯特總是要人家幫別人,使很多人深感沒熱情。 I am fed up with this wet weather. 我對這般天氣預報潮濕的天氣預報感到恐懼沒熱情。 I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我已沒有經得住他的愚笨和粗心。 People get fed up with anyone who brags all the time. 消費者對那先總愛說大話的人反感抵觸透了。 If you put heart and soul into the work, you wouldn't be feeling fed up with the job anyway. 但如果你耐心都聚焦在做工作任務態度,你大多數如此也會對此項做工作任務感到孤獨無話可說。 feed up (with) v-ing I'm fed up (with) waiting for him. 我等他等膩了。 I'm fed up with her grumbling. 我已煩感她的牢騷了。 I was getting a little fed up with his smacking his lips while eating. 我對他食飯時吧嗒嘴兒開始厭惡了。 The old couple is never fed up with going to the same park every day. 這對老嫗妻每星期都去同個公圓,從來不膩煩。 feed sb up that-clause Mother will be a bit fed up that you didn't telephone. 你沒打個熱線麻麻會并不大開心快樂的。
feed with (v.+prep.)
    給…添加,提供(某物); 用(某物)滿足… fill, supply, or satisfy (sth/sb) with (sth)
    feed sb/sth with sth She was feeding the baby with porridge. 她正當給小寶寶子喂麥片粥。 The children were feeding the monkey with bananas. 嬰兒們正處于給猴子喂圣女果。 They fed it with egg yolk and other nutritious foods. 用戶用雞蛋和各種有著營養豐富的飲品喂那小寶寶。 You feed the machine with this special paper on a roll. 用軸上的私人定制紙給這臺產品入料。 Education does not mean merely feeding the students with facts. 幼小銜接并這樣不只是代表著向孩子給加盟商知識儲備。 Her job is to stand at the side of the stage and feed the actors with their lines when they forget them. 她的業務是朝著機會角上給忘詞的知名演員提詞。 His father feeds him with hopes. 他爸爸對他充好了期望。 The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods. 就必須源源持續不斷地給市場供應。
用作名詞 (n.)
chicken feed
    小額錢幣 a little amount
off one's feed
    厭食,身體不適 have no taste in food; feel ill


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Turnips for next year's winter feed. 出自: M. Shadbolt
  • Tom shall feed us on eggs and milk. 出自: E. M. Forster
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