

[?k'sper?m?nt]     [?k'sper?m?nt]    
  • n. 試驗;實驗;嘗試
  • vi. 嘗試;做實驗
experimenter experimented experimented experimenting experiments



n. (名詞)
  1. 試驗
  2. 實驗
  3. 嘗試
  4. 考驗
  5. 會晤
  6. 科研設備,儀器,實驗用的儀器
  7. 實踐
  8. 實驗的進行
  9. 實驗法
v. (動詞)
  1. 進行實驗,做實驗
  2. 試驗,進行試驗,做試驗
  3. 嘗試
  4. 試用


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]實驗,試驗 trial made in order to learn sth or prove the truth of an idea
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 做試驗; 試驗 make experiments; try to find out


  1. the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation
  2. the testing of an idea;

    "it was an experiment in living"
    "not all experimentation is done in laboratories"

  3. a venture at something new or different;

    "as an experiment he decided to grow a beard"

  1. to conduct a test or investigation;

    "We are experimenting with the new drug in order to fight this disease"

  2. try something new, as in order to gain experience;

    "Students experiment sexually"
    "The composer experimented with a new style"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats.
  2. The students will have an experiment in the laboratory tomorrow.
  3. Fortunately, these folks love to experiment.
  4. With Multiple Level Undo you can safely experiment with various what-if scenarios.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers.
  2. Is he any good at gardening? We might experiment with him.
    他擅長園藝嗎? 我們可以試試他。
  3. Some scientists experiment on animals.
  4. Don't experiment with such dangerous drugs.


用作名詞 (n.)
by experiment
    用實驗; 從試驗中 with experiment; from experiment
carry out the experiment
    進行試驗 do an experiment
do〔make〕 an experiment
    做實驗 make experiment
perform an experiment
    允諾去做一次實驗 promise to do an experiment
用作動詞 (v.)
experiment in (v.+prep.)
    做…的實驗 make an experiment of sth as its subject
    experiment in v-ing He experimented in painting at home. 他在家庭試試原畫。 We experimented in putting oil and water together, and we saw that they did not mix. 自己把油和水貼到來做科學試驗,然而看清植物的根不交融合。
experiment on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    在…上做實驗 make an experiment with sth as its subject
    experiment on〔upon〕 sb/sth Why are you experimenting upon the students in this particular class? 你為之類單是要拿這一班的孩子做可靠性試驗呢? Many people disapprove of scientists who experiment on animals. 好兩人不贊成地理歷史學家在食草動物全身做試驗臺。
experiment with (v.+prep.)
    以…做試驗 make an experiment with sth as its means
    experiment with sb/sth Is he any good at gardening?We might experiment with him. 他強項花卉嗎?大家都可以說真的他。 Scientists experiment with rats in order to discover facts about human behaviour. 科學合理家想要會發現有關的信息人的道德行為環境用耗子做出實驗。 She is experimenting with different typewriters to see which one suits her best. 她正處于免費試用種種不相同的打字機,看哪有一種最適于。 That man is experimenting with dyes to get the colour he wants. 那些人正做實驗的時候多種有機染料以收獲他如果的色彩。 She experimented with different kinds of face-cream before she found one she liked. 在她辨別出她所愛的面霜時候,她適用過度種。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)


  • He..visited other labs to see which new experiments had been done. 出自: J. D. Watson
  • He had..experimented their theories in his laboratory. 出自: S. Leslie
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