

[i?t]     [i?t]    
  • v. 吃;吃飯;喝
eater ate eaten eating eats



v. (動詞)
  1. 吃(飯),喝(湯)
  2. 腐蝕,侵蝕,銷蝕
  3. 毀壞,逐漸破壞
  4. 耗費,耗完,消磨,損耗,消耗
  5. 蛀,蛀壞,蛀蝕
  6. 吃起來有...的味道
  7. <口>使煩惱,使不安
  8. 進食,用膳,用餐
  9. 橫加指責,尖銳批評,嚴厲懲罰
  10. 完全戰勝某人,大敗某人
  11. 比…還好
  12. <主英>吃食
  13. 吃完,吃光
  14. 吞食掉,吞噬,吞沒
  15. 吃成某種狀況,吃得
n. (名詞)
  1. 期望到達時間,預計時間


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 吃,喝; 吃飯 take in through the mouth and swallow solid food or soup; have a meal
  2. vt. 消耗,毀壞; 侵蝕,腐蝕,蛀蝕 damage or destroy sth; use up, damage, or destroy


  1. take in solid food;

    "She was eating a banana"
    "What did you eat for dinner last night?"

  2. eat a meal; take a meal;

    "We did not eat until 10 P.M. because there were so many phone calls"
    "I didn't eat yet, so I gladly accept your invitation"

  3. take in food; used of animals only;

    "This dog doesn't eat certain kinds of meat"
    "What do whales eat?"

  4. worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way;

    "What's eating you?"

  5. use up (resources or materials);

    "this car consumes a lot of gas"
    "We exhausted our savings"
    "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"

  6. cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid;

    "The acid corroded the metal"
    "The steady dripping of water rusted the metal stopper in the sink"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I often eat oatmeal as breakfast.
  2. Do you always eat lunch at school?
  3. If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat.
  4. The Chinese eat with chopsticks.
  5. They usually eat out on Sundays.
  6. Do you like to eat vegetable soup?


用作動詞 (v.)
eat at (v.+prep.)
    折磨 disturb
    eat at sb/sth There was something else eating at him. 另有一件事人和事使他很煩憂。 Loneliness ate at her heart. 孤獨一人感拆磨著她。
eat away (v.+adv.)
    侵蝕,腐蝕,銹蝕; 咬壞,蛀壞 destroy gradually by erosion; damage sth by bite
    eat away Eat away, children, you are welcome to all you want. 吃吧,兒子們,淋漓盡致地吃吧。 They have been eating away for more than an hour. 大家一直都總吃一些多小。 The children are in the kitchen, eating away as usual. 男孩們在灶房里,像在平時是一樣的舒服地吃著設備。 eat sth ? away The river is eating away the bank in several places. 江水正侵蝕作用著三四個處河道。 The sea water is eating away the base of the cliff. 大海沖蝕著峭壁的下端。 Frost and weather had eaten away the mortar. 風霜狂風暴雨剝蝕了泥灰。 Rust was eating away the iron post. 鐵銹腐蝕性著鐵柱。 Cancer ate away the healthy flesh. 肺癌浸蝕了綠色的肌體。 The rats have eaten away most of the woodwork. 大老鼠把木制家具全啃壞掉了。 This part has been eaten away by insects. 這一有些被小蟲蛀掉下來。 The river bank is slowly being eaten away . 岸邊也正在通過生活緩慢灌木沖刷掉。 eat away at sth The sea has been eating away at this cliff for centuries. 千多年里海一直以來都在腐蝕著這山崖陡壁。
eat from (v.+prep.)
    用…吃飯 have a meal using sth
    eat sth from sth The Chinese eat rice from bowls. 我國人口用碗吃晚飯。
eat in (v.+adv.)
    在學校就餐 have a meal at school
eat into( v.+prep. )
    對…產生不良的作用或影響 have bad effect on sb/sth
    eat into oneself/sth Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves. 別讓腐爛的理論破壞你。 Acids eat into metals. 酸會腐蝕性合金材料。 The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled. 磷酸被腐蝕了這個鐵上金屬涂層脫落的場所。 Can you see where the rust has begun eating into the bottom of the driver's door? 我可以看著出鐵銹從何處現在開始破壞到車座旁的那道門底下嗎? The substance has begun eating into the woodwork. 本身元素始于耐腐蝕木制家具。 The insects eat into the wood. 生蟲極了木質。 The icy chill ate into my bones. 我覺得寒氣侵骨。 The sea has eaten into the north shore. 湖水侵襲了北岸。 Don't leave the aluminium spoon in the saltcellar.It will be eaten into by salt. 別把鋁勺放在鹽罐中,是由于鹽腐燭鋁。 eat into sth The school fees have eaten into our savings. 為了讓支付方式報名費,我門早已經開使改用賠光了。 The money they spent on the washing machine ate into their holiday savings. 我們買洗鞋機用碰掉我們準備工作綠色養生的一部電影分存款。 Jim's illness has seriously eaten into his small savings. 吉姆因病重可以說虧光了他不是很多的花光。 eat oneself into sth They were eating themselves into their graves. 孩子 吃飯過于,在自找死路。 eat into sb/sth The sort of Persian summer day here ate into you with its heat. 波斯春季的寒冷真叫人受滿足。 Guilt had been eating into his conscience for some months. 幾個月大來愧疚一種拆磨著他的做人的底線。
eat of (v.+prep.)
    吃…中的一部分 eat part of sth
    eat of sth They ate heartily of the meal. 它們飽餐一堆頓。 The tiger ate of the deer. 老虎和獅子吃了美食鹿的幾一些。
eat off (v.+prep.)
    吃(某人)白食 eat at the cost of (sb else)
eat out (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉默默忍受痛苦; 極為悲傷 suffer in silence; be very sad
    eat out They can't afford to eat out nowadays. 許多人當下下不起來館子了。 They had to eat out because the stove broke down. 蜂窩煤爐頭壞,你只活到里面吃。 He used to eat out in the evening. 他結束在晚常出外吃東西。 I'm too tired to cook tonight; shall we eat out? 今夜我累得不可煮飯了,我去外部吃好么? I see no point eating out so often with a spacious and well-equipped kitchen at home. 我沒有明確家里面有這么多寬廣、設施設準備好了全的廚房灶臺,為啥需要時常到上面吃早餐。 We need a baby-sitter tonight, because we are eating out. 你們今夜必須要 一名看兒童的,是由于你們要到里邊外面吃飯。 I used to eat out in the evening when my parents were on night shifts. 從前,我爸媽上夜班時,我相往外部吃午飯。 eat sth ? out Rust had eaten out the gun barrel. 鐵銹耐腐蝕了槍管。 A little oil presently eats out the colour. 主要一點油還是會使那色澤退去。 eat one's heart out She is eating her heart out because Jim never writes to her. 她非常的傷心,擔心吉姆也許不給她寫信。 She was eating her heart out for her missing child. 她為她丟了的娃兒在靜靜的無聞地隱忍悲傷。 She is eating her heart out because she can't go to that dance. 她請稍等煩心,正因為她不可去前往參加那些派對。 It's no use eating your heart out about things that can't be helped. 不辦法的事,心急也不用。 What's done is done, and it's no use eating your heart out about it. 上前的人和事已沒法改動,哀傷也于事無補。
eat out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    吃…中的食物 eat food in sth
    eat out of sth Make sure that the dog always eats out of his own dish. 有一定要讓狗吃完了它屬于自己碟中的吃物。
eat through (v.+prep.)
    因化學作用把…蝕穿,腐蝕成洞 make a hole through (material or an object) by chemical action
eat up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉擊敗; 毀掉,搞垮 win one's opponent
    eat up Come on, eat up; there's plenty left! 來,全部吃光,還剩好幾個呢! There is plenty for us, so eat up! 知識多得很,吃個爽快吧! eat sth ? up After swimming all afternoon, they quickly ate up all their dinners. 沖浪游沒事午后完后,自己把晚餐掃掃而光。 The children ate up all the candies. 學生們把棒棒糖吃光了。 Eat up your vegetables; there's a good girl! 把菜都吃光,那便是個美麗的姑娘家! The boy was not allowed to leave the table until he had eaten up his vegetables. 那女孩不把菜吃光,也不讓她開心走出餐桌。 The mother told the child to eat up her spinach and to drink up her milk. 父親母親對他說小朋友把菠萊吃完并把鮮羊奶喝光。 After playing all afternoon, we were so hungry that we ate up all the cookies in the house. 玩了上午后,小編都很餓,以至于將屋內擁有吃的都掃下而光。 The worms will soon eat up all the leaves on the trees if we don't stop them. 如我們的不加以應對來看,飛蟲很容易才會把樹枝吃個精光。 The cat ate up three little mice. 這貓吃吃三只小有老鼠。 In a short while, the cat ate up the fish. 沒過多久,那只貓便將魚吃個精光。 eat sth ? up Extravagant spending ate up his savings. 大肆浪費損耗的了他的積存。 Rent eats up as much as 25 to 35 per cent of the whole family income. 房租費要耗去一家使收入的25%到35%。 That big house eats up money. 那幢大房間所減少用非常大的。 This new heating system eats up electricity. 你這個新散熱操作系統發熱量量非常大的。 It's true that it's a comfortable car, but it eats up the petrol. 這個車明確舒適,但耗續航里程很小了。 It ate up all his time. 這件事把他整個的期限都占用量了。 Idle talk had eaten up the hour before they knew it. 閑聊不道只覺地費時掉下來這些的時刻。 Don't let family cares eat up your interest in literary pursuits. 不必讓中國家庭辛勞打發時間掉你對史學分析的想法。 The flames ate up the building. 火熱焚毀了樓房。 The house was eaten up by flames in no time. 新房子頃刻被火淹沒。 Her savings have been eaten up by illness. 她的有存款鑒于生病了全給用光了。 Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living. 月薪的曾加全給人生收費的增長互抵壞了。 eat sb ? up Is something eating her up?She seems worried. 她究竟有什么東西傷悲事嗎? 她盡管很煩心。 eat sth ? up He ate up the stories of their journeys. 他聽了他的游記橋段,我相信得沒法了。 When his friends told him that he was a first-class football player, he ate up their praise. 當閨蜜們說他有的是個一、流的足球隊有氧運策劃著時,他都覺得格外理所當然。 The girls told John he was a hero because he made the winning touchdown, and he ate up their praise. 丫頭們說雷德里克是英熊,所以他在競技中爭得了選擇性的幾分,雷德里克聽了心底樂刺啦的。 eat sth ? up The boat was eating her way up towards the wind. 一條什么船迎風高效進步。 The little red car ate up the soggy miles. 那輛網紅小車一下兒就駛完畢那節數英里長的濕濕的路。 Twenty minutes in the car ate up the distance between the two shipyards. 乘20幾分鐘貨車,就趕完畢二座船廠中的里路。 eat sb ? up He was such a clever speaker that he always ate up the opposition. 他是個很精確的演說家,就能戰勝敵方。 You shouldn't have put the new teacher in charge of that troublesome class; they'll eat him up. 不理應讓那名新幼兒教師有擔當有個亂班,兩人會搞垮他的。
eat up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
    〈非正〉充滿強烈的(妒忌、欲望等)情感 be completely and violently full of (jealousy, desire, etc.)
    be eaten up with sth She seems to be eaten up with her own conceit. 她似乎逐漸被欣慰沖昏腦殼了腦殼。 Don't be eaten up with pride. 千萬別被的驕傲蒙蔽了腦殼。 She was eaten up with jealousy. 她妒火中燒。 He is being eaten up with curiosity. 他想象力心切。 Be careful not to get eaten up with pride. 提前準備,不想自傲驕傲自滿。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • On the table were eats the like of which..have never been seen on this isle. 出自: J. P. Donleavy
  • He eat the insides of a clock and died after. 出自: J. M. Synge
  • Some caterpillars have made themselves unpleasant to eat. 出自: D. Attenborough
  • They found out he was eating his diet and his normal food. 出自: M. Amis
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