

[i?z]     [i?z]    
  • n. 容易;悠閑;安逸;自在
  • v. 減輕;放松;緩和;緩慢移動
eased eased easing eases



n. (名詞)
  1. 容易,不費力,不費事,方便,不費吹灰之力
  2. 舒適,悠閑,自在,放松,安逸,安心,不拘束,快活,輕松愉快
  3. 緩和
  4. 寬松
  5. 從容大方,從容自如
  6. 順利
v. (動詞)
  1. 減輕,緩和,減緩,緩解,舒緩,減低
  2. 放松,使輕松,使舒適,使安心,使安逸,使暢快,使安心,使安樂,(使)寬慰
  3. 小心地移置,小心搬動,小心緩緩地移動,靈活地移動
  4. 使松動,解開,放寬
  5. 使…容易些,使變得容易,使便利
  6. 降低,貶值
  7. (使)熟悉
  8. 迫使某人離開
  9. 放慢速度
  10. 改善
  11. 使無病痛,使無憂慮


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]容易 the ability to do sth without difficulty
  2. [U]舒適,安逸 the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 減輕; 使舒適 take away pain or worry; make more comfortable
  2. vt. & vi. 放寬; 放松 make looser; be less tight


  1. freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort;

    "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"
    "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"
    "the very easiness of the deed held her back"

  2. a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state;

    "a life of luxury and ease"
    "he had all the material comforts of this world"

  3. the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress);

    "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"
    "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"

  4. freedom from constraint or embarrassment;

    "I am never at ease with strangers"

  5. freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility);

    "took his repose by the swimming pool"

  1. move gently or carefully;

    "He eased himself into the chair"

  2. lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate;

    "ease the pain in your legs"

  3. make easier;

    "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"

  4. lessen the intensity of or calm;

    "The news eased my conscience"
    "still the fears"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He passed the test with ease.
  2. He is expected to win the game with ease.
  3. My parents are retired and now live a life of ease.
  4. She is a rich woman now, and leads a life of ease.
  5. I don't feel at ease in the strange place.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative.
  2. It would ease my mind to know where he was.
  3. They did this to ease their economic crisis.
  4. He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy.


用作名詞 (n.)
at (one's) ease
    安逸,舒適the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems
take one's ease
    休息; 輕松stop working or worrying; relax
用作動詞 (v.)
ease down (v.+adv.)
    減(速) reduce the speed of
    ease down Ease down! will you? You're going dangerously fast. 慢點!行嗎?你開到過快,兇險。 Our lorry eased down and zigzagged along the mountain path. 大家的翻斗車降低了時速,順著彎彎度曲的山路上前行。 Ease down, there's a sharp bend ahead. 快放的速度,之前多了一個急轉彎。 ease sth ? down Getting near the harbour, the fishermen began to ease down the speed of their boats. 駛進碼頭時,漁民們開始了變快了船的快速。 When the car came near the bridge, the driver eased it down to 20 kilometres an hour. 當小汽車開近那座橋時,網約車司機把最高車速放于每每小時20公里長。 The crane operator eased the statue down till it rested on the pedestal. 起重吊裝機操作方法員用適當的力度慢慢地把塑像吊下面拖到支撐柱上。
ease into (v.+prep.)
    小心地移入 move carefully into sth
    ease into sth The car eased into the garage. 汽年細心地邁入汽車庫。 The tug eased into the narrow docking space. 拖船仔細地駛進挾窄的游艇碼頭停泊處。 ease sb/sth into sth He eased himself into one of the armchairs. 他警惕地乘坐到扶手欄桿椅里。 My foot was rather sore, but I managed to ease it into a large slipper. 我的腳很疼,不通過我好大自心把它伸入兩只大拖鞋里。
ease of (v.+prep.)
    解除 free sb from sth
    ease sb of sth Machines ease the workers of heavy manual labour. 系統把職工從靈便的靈力工作中脫離苦海下來。 Let him ease you of your trouble. 讓他們來搞定你的很困難吧。 Do write to your mother to ease her of her worry. 更要給你們爸媽寫封信,別讓她太不用擔心。 Music eases me of pain. 音樂音樂取消了我的恐懼。 Walking helped to ease him of his pain. 飯后散步有利于促進更改他的各種痛感。
ease off (v.+adv.)
    挪開 remove sth gently
    ease off Ease off, we don't need to go so fast now. 慢一方面,人們不需求走那麼快了。 The rain has eased off. 雨勢已削弱。 After the patient received acupuncture treatment, his spasms eased off somewhat. 求美者做抽筋方法后,筋攣有時降低了。 Now that the children are back at school,I can ease off. 今天男孩們都回來學校里了,我還可以松語氣了。 ease sth ? off The child asked his papa to help him ease off his belt a bit. 那孩童叫他媽媽爸爸幫他把腰帶扣松掉些。 He eased the stamp off carefully. 他瞻前顧后翼翼地把郵票揭起來。 The nurse eased the bandage off. 麻醉醫生小心地地把紗布取完成。
ease out (v.+adv.)
    免職,開除 remove sb from office
    ease sth ? out Ease out the large sail or we shall be blown over! 降落大帆來,如果我門會被刮翻的! ease sb ? out When the new American President took office, some members of the White House staff were eased out. 歐美新總理就任后,白宮的些工作人員被解了職。 Because those two companies merged, a number of their respective officers were eased out. 根據這兩家子公司合為,我們解雇了我們各的一下保安員。
ease round1 (v.+adv.)
    繞過 turn gently in a circle
    ease sth ? round Turn the rudder slightly so that we can ease the boat round. 緩慢的掌舵,那么我國就能使船穩穩地拐過去的英文。 Ease the boat round carefully, there's a strong wind. 風非常大,讓船悄悄跳過去。
ease round2 (v.+prep.)
    繞過 turn gently in a circle
    ease sth round sth Turn the wheel slightly so that we can ease the car round the gateway. 小心打方位盤,這樣子大家就能使車穩穩地拐過廟門去。 This is a trick corner; we must ease the piano round it. 這種拐角難拐,大家一定讓手風琴滿滿跳過。
ease to (v.+adv.)
    改變方向 turn a boat towards the direction of the wind, so as to reduce the force of the wind on the sails
    ease to The wind is too strong, we had better ease to. 風太硬,我們的最好的選擇調轉船首。
ease up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉減輕; 放松 reduce; lighten
    ease up They eased up a bit to make room for those men without seats. 他倆挪動了了下,充分利用場所給那么都沒有排座的的人坐。 Ask the children on the end to ease up, some more people want to sit down. 讓邊進行上的女兒挪動一會兒,還有些人要坐。 ease up It seemed the storm would never ease up. 暴風霜好像如果沒有停的的時候。 He refused to ease up the least bit, even though he was already tired. 他現在以經太累了,但他一絲一毫不放松心情她的上班。 Recently I've been up to my ears in work, but I'll come and see you as soon as things ease up a bit. 近年來我忙得不能不開交,但一有空閑就來看個人。 My father had a hard life, and it's time he eased up a bit. 我自己的爸爸始終過著艱苦環境的人生,今天是他舒適型一下吧的是了。 The pain began to ease up after she was given a sedative. 給她吃到了一片片鎮痛藥藥后,她的痛點開啟減少。 The situation should ease up now that the two sides are prepared to talk. 竟然兩人之間需備洽談,國內形勢就應和緩了。 ease up on sb/sth The driver eased up on the accelerator. 駕駛員松弛了速度器。 You should ease up on the child and stop scolding her. 你應當對那叫一個小朋友放松下來點,避免再罵她了。 Come on, ease up on those kids a bit; they've had a hard day! 得啦,對那么溫馨小家伙稍許包容些吧,孩子 令天已夠辛勤的了!


用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The ease, and benefit the Subjects may enjoy. 出自: Hobbes
  • The portion which came..to Mrs. Jefferson..doubled the ease of our circumstances. 出自: T. Jefferson
  • The driver..had got out to ease the horses. 出自: E. M. Forster
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