

[d??]     [d??]    
  • n. 盤;碟;一道菜;菜肴;碟狀物
  • vt. 使成碟狀;裝盤
  • vi. 閑談
dished dished dishing dishes



n. (名詞)
  1. 菜肴,菜
  2. 餐具,碟子,盤子
  3. 碟狀物,盤狀(物)
  4. 美女,漂亮女子
  5. 一盤菜,盤菜
  6. 反射碟
  7. 拋物面天線
  8. 盤,碟
  9. 盤裝食品
  10. 盤形
  11. <口>有魅力的人
  12. 一盤的容量,滿滿一盤
v. (動詞)
  1. (使)成碟狀,成盤狀,使成盤形
  2. 盛...于盤中,把(食物)盛在碟子里
  3. <英口>挫敗,打敗,挫折
  4. 成中凹形,使凹陷
  5. 毀掉,破壞
  6. 把...挖空
  7. 瞞,騙
  8. 數落,指責,批評
  9. (大量)提供
  10. 分發
  11. 使某人的希望破滅,使某人不能成功
  12. 說(某人)的閑話,揭(某人)的短
  13. <英格蘭>智勝
  14. 下陷,凹陷
  15. 閑談


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]盤,碟 container for holding or serving food (usually shallow and flat-bottomed)
  2. [C]一盤食物,一碟食物,一道菜,菜肴 food, etc. served in the container
  3. [P]餐具 plates, bowls, cups, etc. used for a meal; crockery
  4. [C]外貌有吸引力的人,漂亮的人 physically attractive person
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 盛于碟盤中; 分發,提供 put (the food for a meal) into dishes, ready to be eaten; serve out to several people
  2. vt. 使某人的希望破滅,破壞某人的機會,使某人不能成功 ruin sb's hopes or chances; prevent sb from succeeding


  1. a piece of dishware normally used as a container for holding or serving food;

    "we gave them a set of dishes for a wedding present"

  2. a particular item of prepared food;

    "she prepared a special dish for dinner"

  3. the quantity that a dish will hold;

    "they served me a dish of rice"

  4. a very attractive or seductive looking woman
  5. directional antenna consisting of a parabolic reflector for microwave or radio frequency radiation
  6. an activity that you like or at which you are superior;

    "chemistry is not my cup of tea"
    "his bag now is learning to play golf"
    "marriage was scarcely his dish"

  1. provide (usually but not necessarily food);

    "We serve meals for the homeless"
    "She dished out the soup at 8 P.M."
    "The entertainers served up a lively show"

  2. make concave; shape like a dish



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground.
  2. That dish is too shallow to serve soup in.
  3. This glass dish is very fragile.
  4. He knows the recipe for this dish.
  5. You could use tomato sauce for this dish.
  6. The meat should be finely diced for this dish.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. She asked Mary to help her dish up the dinner.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. That salesman could really dish it out.


用作動詞 (v.)
dish out (v.+adv.)
    大量給予或分發 give away a lot of sth
    dish sth ? out Please help me to dish out the vegetables. 請來幫我把菜裝盤端出。 The chef dished out the salad. 大廚端起了色拉。 She dished out the food. 她餐后的時候剩飯剩菜。 She was dishing out food to children. 她在給女兒們分食物營養。 Stand at the door and dish out the papers as the students come in. 當學子們過來時,你朝著門外下發文章。 They dish out clean towels on Monday. 一周一自己分銷洗臉巾。 There were students dishing out leaflets to passer-by. 有中學生向過路人散發出來廣告宣傳單。 Aunt Mabel likes to dish out advise to young people, whether they want it or not. 瑪伯爾大嬸總想要另外啟示年輕時候人,不管是孩子 不喜歡必然。 This young teacher dishes out rewards to his students to try to win their favour. 一位低齡的講師為了更好地獲得了大學生的信任度,是濫給她們獎賞。
dish up (v.+adv.)
    提供,供給 present or offer sth
    dish up I shall be ready to dish up in a few minutes; are the family all at the table? 全屋人都入席何時能?我籌備上菜。 dish sth ? up He dished up the stew. 他把燉肉盛等到同花順軟件。 Help me dish up the vegetables. 帶我把蔬萊盛了。 dish sth ? up I hope the next speaker dishes up his arguments in a more interesting manner. 我期望下其中一個講話稿人更有饒有幽默風趣地提供他的論點。 He dished up a lot of useful facts and figures. 他不得不拿出了好多有價值的其實和數據統計。 They're dishing up the usual arguments in a new form. 他倆將老調子脫胎換骨,又端過到來了。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞


  • Supper was over and the dishes dipped and wiped. 出自: J. Steinbeck
  • The Boys moved about, serving..vegetables from silver dishes. 出自: D. Welch
  • A shallow ovenproof dish. 出自:Leicester Chronicle
  • They [turnips] may be dished in the centre of..mutton cutlets. 出自: E. Acton





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