

[da?]     [da?]    
  • v. 死;枯竭;消失;渴望
  • n. 骰子;印模;金屬模子
dies died died dying dies



v. (動詞)
  1. 滅亡
  2. 熄滅
  3. 枯萎,凋謝,干枯
  4. 平息
  5. 消失,消亡
  6. 極想
  7. 徹底失敗
  8. 完全消失,消逝
  9. 善終
  10. 壽終正寢,死,死于,死亡
  11. 可笑極了,笑死人
  12. 根深蒂固,難以改變
  13. 逐漸減弱,變弱
  14. 突然停轉
  15. <口>渴望,切望
  16. (變得)漠然
  17. 遭受(死的極端痛苦)
n. (名詞)
  1. 沖模
  2. 模具
  3. (一粒)骰子
  4. 印模,壓模,硬模
  5. 骰子狀物
  6. 事已成定局,木已成舟
  7. 鋼模
  8. 鋼型
  9. 螺絲模,拉絲模,拉線模
  10. 【建】墩身
  11. 模口
  12. 螺絲鋼板


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 死亡; 枯萎 come to the end of life; stop living


  1. a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling to generate random numbers
  2. a device used for shaping metal
  3. a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods
  1. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;

    "She died from cancer"
    "The children perished in the fire"
    "The patient went peacefully"
    "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"

  2. suffer or face the pain of death;

    "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"

  3. be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame;

    "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"
    "We almost died laughing during the show"

  4. stop operating or functioning;

    "The engine finally went"
    "The car died on the road"
    "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"
    "The coffee maker broke"
    "The engine failed on the way to town"
    "her eyesight went after the accident"

  5. feel indifferent towards;

    "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"

  6. languish as with love or desire;

    "She dying for a cigarette"
    "I was dying to leave"

  7. cut or shape with a die;

    "Die out leather for belts"

  8. to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
  9. lose sparkle or bouquet;

    "wine and beer can pall"

  10. disappear or come to an end;

    "Their anger died"
    "My secret will die with me!"

  11. suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense);

    "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Nowadays many people die of cancer.
  2. Many people die from famine in Africa.
  3. My grandfather died at the age of 86.
  4. Flowers soon die if they are left without water.
  5. Coal mining is dying in this area.
  6. These rumors will soon die away.
  7. Many language are likely to die out.
  8. She's dying to know where you've been.


用作動詞 (v.)
die away (v.+adv.)
    (尤指聲音、光、風)逐漸消失或停止 become weaker or fainter until it ceases
    die away The sound of the music died away. 音樂背景聲漸漸地看不見了。 His footsteps died away in the darkness. 他的你的聲音在虛無中漸漸地不見了。 All conversation died away. 交流聲慢慢慢慢靜了完成。 Now that the cheers had died away, the circus tent seemed oddly quiet. 搖旗吶喊聲急劇平靜過來后,馬戲篷里平靜給出奇。 All his anger died away. 他的憤懣怒火慢慢慢慢排解起來。 His voice died away and he fell asleep. 他仿佛地找不到音樂聲,睡熟了。
die back (v.+adv.)
    (植物)枯死但根部還活著 die but remain alive at the roots
    die back The dahlias died back when that first cold spelled. 最次極端天氣席卷而來時,大麗花全部都枯萎了。 The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn, but they will grow again next spring. 在此天寒地凍的深秋,灌木叢幾率會枯黃,但2019年秋天里后會種子發芽看起來。
die by (v.+prep.)
    死于…,以…方式而死 die by means of (sth)
    die by sth/v-ing They who deny the power of the king shall die by the sword. 誰不聽從帝王,就將罹患劍下。 Many people have died by violence. 有不少人敗于暴力傾向。 Many people died by drowning in the great floods. 越來越多人到超大洪水災害中淹“死了”。
die down (v.+adv.)
    變得越來越弱直到消失 become gradually less strong until it ceases
    die down The shots died down. 槍聲慢慢地解決過來。 The laughter died down. 歡快笑聲仿佛地沒了了。 The wind died down at last and all was quiet. 風我己停了,這一切都坦然成功了。 When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place. 追捕緩來后大家方可遠離存在的位置。 The excitement died down as time went by. 現在日期的增加,激動不已的好心情慢慢心平氣和出來。 The feeling between them had died down. 他倆間的愛情已不因此高了。
die for (v.+prep.)
    〈口〉急需(某物) want (sth) very much
    die for sb/sth To die for the people is a glorious deed! 為人處事民而死,雖死猶榮! Many religious people would die for their beliefs. 大量教徒都愿為這些人的政治信仰而犧牲。 It used to be considered part of a young man's duty to die for his country. 從前,為國捐軀不停被指出是青年人的做份責任。 be dying for sth It's so hot today,I'm dying for a drink. 近日怎么熱,我繼續購買專用汽車喝些咖啡飲料。 I'm dying for a cup of tea. 我好想喝一杯茶。 He is dying for the book. 他愿意要這小說。
die from (v.+prep.)
    死于(某種原因,不包括疾病、過度悲傷等) die following (sth, except illness or feeling)
    die from sth She died from a wound. 她因摔傷而死。 The young driver died from the wounds that he received in the road accident. 一位年輕態的司機在鐵路交通意外事故中受到傷害過量而去世。 The child died from her fall out of the high window. 整個孩童都在鋁門窗摔下來了而死的。 It was obvious that the man died from suffocation. 很強烈,這個人賬戶死亡暈厥。 Five men died from police gunfire. 前五男人被交警擊斃了。 In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. 在很冷的初冬,猛獸幾率是正是因為由于缺乏糧食而被會餓死。
die in (v.+prep.)
    在(某事中或在某地方)死去 die during (an event) or in (a place)
    die in sth He died in an accident. 他在一起責任事故中喪命。 The young driver died in the car crash. 這款青春的小車司機在追尾事故中死了。 Fewer people die in hospital than at home. 死在機構里的人要不少死在屋里的人。 He watched his cigarette die in the ashtray. 他看去他的煙在煙灰缸里滅掉。 He died in his bed. 他壽終正寢。 He died in his office. 他喪命供職這段時間。
die of (v.+prep.)
    強烈地感受到…,…得要命 feel (sth) very strongly
    die of sth He died of cancer. 他身亡癌癥晚期。 The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and stroke. 裁縫身亡洶酒及腦出血。 She died of a fever, and no one could save her. 她死于非命高熱,誰也救不聊她。 Some of his children died of undernourishment. 他有好多個嬰兒因各種營養成分攝入欠佳而突然死亡。 He died of his wound. 他負傷而死。 My grandmother died of grief soon after her husband's death. 爺爺去逝或許不久,祖母就因傷感過渡而快死了。 be dying of sth I am dying of boredom! 我煩得不行! The children are dying of curiosity to see what's in the parcel. 小朋友們出自好奇寶寶,迫不似待的想一下快遞中是之類物質。
die off (v.+adv.)
    (一組生命體)一個接一個地死去直到死光 die one by one
    die off Her friends are all dying off. 她的伙伴正不斷逝世。 The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease. 林中的鹿一款 接一款 地病全死。 The trees have been dying off during the severe winter, and there are few left. 在嚴寒,樹那棵那棵地死了,余下的微乎其微了。 The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off. 廣袤猛然間發苗,再一顆一顆死了。 This species is dying off. 該植物物種面對絕種。 The rumble of thunder died off. 隆隆雷聲頻頻沒有。
die out (v.+adv.)
    (指物種、家族、習慣、觀念等)絕跡,消失 cease to exist; disappear
    die out He is the last of the family; after his death the name will die out. 他是朋友家族網活在那世的之后有一個人員,他一死,它們家族網便不復具有了。 Some species died out. 有一些魚類絕種了。 This kind of bird is dying out. 這一鳥幾載瀕臨滅絕。 If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will die out. 如不能地屠殺這部分稀少小動物,他們更快就會變絕跡。 Traditional grocers' shops are fast dying out now that there are so many supermarkets. 會因為顯示了許許多多超強領域,傳統文化的雜貨鋪店輔正頻頻不見了。 Many old customs are gradually dying out. 大多舊民俗就有日漸消失了。 It's time this selfish habit died out. 這一種自私的習慣性該消去了。 That style of music died out ten years ago. 那一種風的音樂伴奏二十年前就變大了。
die with (v.+prep.)
    隨著(某人的死)而喪失,消失 be lost at the death of (sb)


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Dependent on the turn of a die, on the tossing up of a halfpenny. 出自: Hazlitt
  • It is not gambling when I know the dice are loaded in my favor. 出自: E. O
  • She died only the other day at the age of about a hundred and ten. 出自: R. Campbell
  • Four sons, two of whom died in the First World War. 出自: J. Fowles
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