

[deθ]     [deθ]    
  • n. 死;死亡;毀滅;死因



n. (名詞)
  1. 死,死亡,慘死
  2. 死神
  3. 毀滅,破滅
  4. 致死的原因,死因
  5. 死狀
  6. 死法
  7. 結束
  8. 褫奪公權
  9. 死刑
  10. 絕滅,消滅,永久的滅亡
  11. 死亡狀態
  12. 生命的終止


n. (名詞)
  1. [C][U]死,死亡,死亡時刻; 死法; 死狀 the end of the life; time or manner of dying
  2. [C]死因 the cause of loss of life
  3. [S]毀滅,消失,終止 destruction or disappearance
  4. [U]死神 the destroyer of life


  1. the event of dying or departure from life;

    "her death came as a terrible shock"
    "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"

  2. the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism;

    "the animal died a painful death"

  3. the absence of life or state of being dead;

    "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"

  4. the time when something ends;

    "it was the death of all his plans"
    "a dying of old hopes"

  5. the time at which life ends; continuing until dead;

    "she stayed until his death"
    "a struggle to the last"

  6. the personification of death;

    "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"

  7. a final state;

    "he came to a bad end"
    "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"

  8. the act of killing;

    "he had two deaths on his conscience"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The seedling was frozen to death.
  2. The farm came to him on his father's death.
  3. The film ends with the death of the heroine.
  4. Car accidents caused many deaths.
  5. He had to choose between death and dishonour.
  6. That defeat meant the death of all my hopes.
  7. There are conflicting versions of the girl's death.
  8. The policeman wanted to determine her death.


用作名詞 (n.)
as pale as death
    面無人色 very pale
at death's door
    就要死掉 dying
be sick to death of
    對…極厭倦 feel very tired about sth
catch one's death
    得致命的感冒 catch a chill bad cold
dice with death
    冒生命危險 risk on life
die the death
    突然停止 stop suddenly
do to death
    把…重復得令人厭煩 overdo; overexpose
    do sth to death The television companies have done to death the coverage of the election,I'm tired of it already. 網絡電視機單位把大選的宣傳報道多次重復得最讓人生厭,我都已會感到無話可說了。 I used to like that song once, but now it's been done to death; every singer has made a record of it. 我過來一直以來很愿意那首歌,可如今它時不時重新著唱真讓人生厭; 企業每同一個個歌首都拍錄了這首詞歌。
feel like death warmed up
    感到筋疲力盡 feel exhausted
in at the death
    看到事情的結局 present at the very end
put to death
    處死,殺死 kill
    put sb to death The blood-sucker was put to death by the peasants there and then. 噬血的投資基金家再次被養殖戶清理了。
tickle to death
    非常高興 highly amused
    tickle sb to death We were all tickled to death at the antics of the clowns. 觀察到惡魔小丑的搞笑拉伸動作,我門樂無比。
to death
    極其,非常 very
to the death
    到底,至死 until sb is defeated or killed
work to death
    把…累垮; 把…損壞 force sb/sth to work excessively
    work sb/sth to death The company expects hard work, but refuses to work its employees to death. 工廠想要上班吃苦耐勞,但沒想到把職員累垮。 The engine had been worked to death and was in need of major repairs. 這樣的座艙已被用接觸不良,必須發動機大修。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The Greek did not believe death to be annihilation. 出自: J. R. Seeley
  • My mother's untimely death. 出自: Day Lewis
  • The hideous death designed by the law for traitors. 出自: C. V. Wedgwood
  • Over them triumphant Death his Dart Shook; but delaid to strike. 出自: personified
  • Into the jaws of Death..Rode the six hundred. 出自: Tennyson
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