

[bri?e]     [bri?e]    
  • vi. 呼吸
  • vt. 輕聲說;流露(自信等感情);注入
breathable breathed breathed breathing breathes



v. (動詞)
  1. 呼吸
  2. 透氣
  3. 呼出
  4. 呼氣
  5. 使喘氣
  6. 使疲勞
  7. 吸氣
  8. 使(運動員)出力訓練
  9. 通氣
  10. 栩栩如生
  11. 輕輕唱
  12. 使歇口氣
  13. 活著
  14. 輕吹
  15. 使休息
  16. 輕拂
  17. 【語】發氣音
  18. 休息一下
  19. 吸入
  20. 使喘息
  21. 低聲說出,低聲說,低語
  22. 散發,流露
  23. 【語】發
  24. 平靜下來
  25. 松一口氣
  26. 緊盯著某人看
  27. 通氣飄香
  28. 充滿
  29. 生存
  30. 發散
  31. 注入


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 呼吸 draw in and let out air from the lungs; take air into the body and send it out again
  2. vt. 輕松說話; 低語 say softly; whisper


  1. draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs;

    "I can breathe better when the air is clean"
    "The patient is respiring"

  2. be alive;

    "Every creature that breathes"

  3. impart as if by breathing;

    "He breathed new life into the old house"

  4. allow the passage of air through;

    "Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear"

  5. utter or tell;

    "not breathe a word"

  6. manifest or evince;

    "She breathes the Christian spirit"

  7. take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
  8. reach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked;

    "This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"

  9. expel (gases or odors)



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Fish cannot breathe out of water.
  2. It is difficult to breathe at these altitudes.
  3. We breathe through the nasal passage.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone.
  2. His poems breathe sentimentality.
  3. His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company.


用作動詞 (v.)
breathe in( v.+adv. )
    全神貫注地聽 put one's heart into listening
    breathe in In the morning I open the window wide and breathe in deeply. 傍晚我開放門窗,做深感受不到。 We have to breathe in and out so many times a minute. 每分鐘自己都得正常呼吸那麼數次。 breathe sth ? in When you're breathing deeply, you're breathing some fresh air in. 如果深吸呼時,也就會吸取到幾個最新鮮氣流。 In large cities people breathe in dangerous gases from cars and chimneys. 在大地區我們感受不到時吸進新汽車和排煙管道流出的不好甲烷氣體。 If men breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged. 若員工吸進去一些精致的漆霧,這些的肺上也就會受到了影響。 He became ill after breathing in a lot of coal dust for many years. 很多年來他吸食了巨大煤塵,從前他得了病。 breathe sth ? in She breathed in every word the professor was saying. 她集中注意力致志地我們的聲音院士說的的每句話。
breathe into( v.+prep. )
    使(某物)復蘇 make (sth) active again
    breathe into sth The police asked us to breathe into the chemical to see if we were drunk. 交警我能們朝藥物劑量呼氣,來檢查企業是不是喝過酒。 You can often save a person's life by breathing into his mouth. 應用口劃片呼入的常能救援一兩自身的一生。 breathe new life into sth The firm was about to fail when a new director was appointed; he breathed new life into the company and soon it was successful. 該總部瀕危搬走、關門、倒閉的時候調任了一大位新經歷; 是他給這些總部產生了鬧脾氣,使它很容易發達下去。 She breathed new life into the party. 她給晚會節目受到了不開心。
breathe on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    損毀(名譽) cause a poor opinion of (sth)
breathe out( v.+adv. )
    說出(某話語) express (sth)
    breathe out The doctor asked me to breathe in, then to breathe out fully. 專家讓你先吸氣,進而都是呼出。 breathe sth ? out He breathed out wine fumes. 他呼出的氣有酒味。 At parties,I don't like to be with people who breathe out smoke all over me. 家庭聚會時,你不喜歡和哪些地方在我附進噴煙吐霧的你在一起去。 breathe sth ? out He stood with his arms raised to the sky, breathing out curses. 他站著把胳膊舉向上空,罵著。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A warmth Breathes out of her. 出自:Pericles , Shakespeare
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