

[b??l]     [b??l]    
  • v. 沸騰;煮沸;激動
  • n. 煮沸;翻滾;癤
boiled boiled boiling boils



v. (動詞)
  1. 沸騰(蒸發),(燒)開,達到沸點,煮沸,鼎沸,使沸騰,起泡,汽化
  2. 怒火中燒,異常氣憤,使發怒
  3. 煮,煮熟,煮滾,烹煮,翻滾,滾,洶涌,象沸水般翻騰
  4. (使)激動,激昂,奮激
  5. 熬制,被熬濃
  6. 可以壓縮
n. (名詞)
  1. 癤(子),熱癤,瘡,黃水瘡
  2. 沸騰,煮沸,翻滾,煮,開
  3. 【醫】瘍腫,膿腫
  4. 水浪翻花現象
  5. 沸點
  6. 十分活躍,如火如荼


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. (使)沸騰; 開 (cause to) reach the temperature at which change to gas occurs
  2. vt. 用開水煮,在沸水中煮 cause water or other liquid to boil; cook in boiling water
  3. vi. 發怒; 激動 be angry
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]煮沸 act or period of boiling
  2. [U]沸點 boiling point
  3. [U]激動 be boiling with anger
  4. [C]〈醫〉疔瘡,膿腫 hard swelling on the body caused by infection


  1. a painful sore with a hard core filled with pus
  2. the temperature at which a liquid boils at sea level;

    "they brought the water to a boil"

  1. come to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor;

    "Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius"

  2. immerse or be immersed in a boiling liquid, often for cooking purposes;

    "boil potatoes"
    "boil wool"

  3. bring to, or maintain at, the boiling point;

    "boil this liquid until it evaporates"

  4. be agitated;

    "the sea was churning in the storm"

  5. be in an agitated emotional state;

    "The customer was seething with anger"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The kettle is boiling.
  2. I am boiling the milk.
  3. This new type of electromagnetic boiler takes only 3 minutes to boil water.
  4. The mere idea made me boil.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Give the sheets a good boil to get them white.
  2. Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.
  3. The boil on my right arm rankled whenever I wrote.
  4. The boil on your face has headed.


用作動詞 (v.)
boil away (v.+adv.)
    消氣 remove
    boil away The kettle is boiling away. 壺清水逐漸放熱。 The kettle was boiling away on the fire. 水壺里的水在爐火上開家總是。 The water was boiling away in the kettle. 壺中的水一種關著。 The potatoes have been boiling away for 20 minutes. 胡蘿卜都已經煮了近第二比較鐘。 boil away All the water boiled away and the kettle was ruined. 壺里的水基本燒干,壺也短路了。 He was driving so fast that the engine got very hot and the water boiled away. 他車太快,言者領頭羊太燙,清水箱里的水也燒干過。 He was so concentrated on the TV programme that he forgot the cooking and the water in the pot boiled away. 他注重力全集合在電視綜藝節目上,忘記了目前在做的飯,把鍋里的水都燒干過。 boil sth ? away They boiled the excess liquid away. 孩子煮搬到過多的液體。 boil away Her anger boiled away soon. 她更慢就消氣了。
boil down (v.+adv.)
    煮濃 render down or decompose by boiling
    boil down The syrup boils down in a short time. 這糖漿更快就能熬濃。 boil sth ? down They are boiling down the bones. 你們無法熬內心深處湯。 Please boil down the fish soup. 請把魚湯燃得濃半點。 They boil down horses' hoofs to get glue. 孩子 用馬蹄炒制水膠。 When he made the stew, the water was boiled down. 他燉肉時,把湯熬得濃厚。
boil down to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    歸結為… may be summarized as
    boil down to sth A solution of sugar boils down to a syrup. 糖氽水濃而成糖漿。 Put a lot of the vegetable in the pan, it all boils down to a small quantity. 往鍋里多放些菜,一煮就少了。 boil sth ? down to sth Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity. 需要充足的水果蔬菜,根據一煮就剩不止幾了。 boil sth ? down to sth Can you boil the story down to five hundred words? 你里能這的故事擠壓到500字嗎? Boil the passage down to two hundred words, please. 請把這個文字類壓解到200字。 You can boil the long story down to a few sentences and it still has the same meaning. 可以把這長篇大論減少成一兩句話而本來的意思不改變。 Read through this passage of prose and then boil it down to a hundred words. 請讀這種散文集,接下來將其覆蓋為100字。 boil down to sth It all boils down to one thing— human nature. 很多以上都會歸互稱點——人的生性。 The whole matter boils down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors. 全事兒無外乎終歸是是工會組織與監事會成員們中間的職權爭奪戰。 What it all seemed to boil down to was money. 這所有的也許都唯物辯證到錢上。 His reasons for not wanting to go all boil down to the fact that he doesn't have enough money. 他不你想去的另一個原因能歸結成:他都沒有充分的錢。 All he said boils down to this:live and learn. 他的領導講話總括起床正是有一點:活到老掌握老。 The advice we gave him boiled down to this:he should take care of his health. 我們大家還給的告戒可歸成為:他該留意各自的營養。 It all boils down to a clear case of murder. 各種征兆闡明它是同食謀害案。 I suppose it all boils down to this. 我說說是歸結起來了能夠 是這樣說。 The whole discussion boils down to the question of whether the government should fix prices. 整專題討論關鍵所在是專題討論政府機關會不應可靠物價水平毛病。 His answer boils down to a refusal. 他的回應同阻止不能卻別。 These facts boil down to very little significance. 以上法律事實也沒有多長含義。 The whole question boils down to whether you want to go or not. 所有毛病可否定之否定只為你才是愿不樂意去。
boil out (v.+adv.)
    (使)被煮掉,燙掉 (cause to) be removed by boiling
    boil out Some of the stiffness will boil out when you first wash the cloth. 你首次洗那衣料時,局部漿性則會被燙掉。 boil sth ? out You may want to boil out some of the stiffness. 你或許是想燙掉一個漿性。
boil over (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉發怒 lose one's temper or be very angry
boil up (v.+adv.)
    加劇 arise or develop, especially of quarrels and arguments
    boil up The water boiled up very quickly. 水更快就煮關了。 boil sth ? up The soup is nearly cold,I'll boil it up again for you. 湯快涼了,我對你熱兩下。 The stew must be boiled up before serving. 燉肉有必要煮開就能桌面。 boil up Jim's anger boiled up when he heard how Mary had been treated. 吉姆聽得見瑪麗受過各樣的員工待遇,火冒三丈。 Trouble was boiling up in the Middle East. 中東地區的糾紛案件必將愈演愈烈。
boil with (v.+prep.)
    波濤洶涌 waves surging turbulently; waves running high
    boil with sb/sth My blood boiled with me. 我怒難以遏。 His rudeness made me boil with anger. 他的無禮使我頗為愛生氣。 He was boiling with indignation. 他義憤填膺。 Robert was boiling with anger. 羅伯特連擊沖沖。 boil with sth The sea boiled with the storm. 暴風霜中,藍色的海波濤翻涌。 His mind was boiling with mirth, fear and pride. 靜處、焦慮、感動不已混著在他心頭翻騰。
用作名詞 (n.)
on the boil
    沸騰著; 激動 boiling
go off the boil
    (刺激、興奮等)過了頂峰 lose interest


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞
用作名詞 (n.)
介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Boyling in sulphur, and hot-bubbling pitch. 出自: P. Fletcher
  • [Pierce] the oranges as they are boiling. 出自: Edmund Smith
  • Putting in anything that we like while the pot is boiling. 出自: B. Jowett
  • He puts some water on to boil. 出自: J. Cheever
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