

[?'pr??t?]     [?'pro?t?]    
  • v. 靠近;接近;接洽;要求;達到;動手處理
  • n. 途徑;方法;接近;接洽;要求;路徑;進場著陸;相似的事物
approached approached approaching approaches



v. (動詞)
  1. 接近,靠近,向...接近,走近,使接近,臨近,迫近,行近
  2. 近乎,即將達到
  3. 找…商量,探討
  4. (著手)處理,(開始)對付,動手處理
  5. 近似,相似,類似
  6. 看待,對待
  7. (向...)接洽,與...打交道,交涉
  8. 企圖收買
  9. 建議
  10. 要求
  11. 即將到來
  12. 進場(著陸)
  13. 進入目標,接近敵人
n. (名詞)
  1. 接近,即將達到,靠近
  2. 態度;意見
  3. 入口,門徑,進路,通道
  4. 方法,方式,手段
  5. 接洽
  6. 走近,逼近
  7. 近似,類似
  8. 接近的方法
  9. 探索


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 接近,走近,靠近 come near or nearer to sb/sth
  2. vt. 接洽,交涉 speak to (sb), especially in order to make a request or suggestion for the first time
  3. vt. 著手處理 begin to tackle
n. (名詞)
  1. [U]靠近,接近,臨近 the act of approaching
  2. [C]通路,入口,途徑 a way of getting in
  3. [C]方式,方法 a method of doing sth or dealing with a problem


  1. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation;

    "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"
    "an attack on inflation"
    "his plan of attack was misguided"

  2. the act of drawing spatially closer to something;

    "the hunter's approach scattered the geese"

  3. a way of entering or leaving;

    "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"

  4. the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
  5. the event of one object coming closer to another
  6. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others;

    "she rejected his advances"

  7. the temporal property of becoming nearer in time;

    "the approach of winter"

  8. a close approximation;

    "the nearest approach to genius"

  9. a relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green;

    "he lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green"

  1. move towards;

    "We were approaching our destination"
    "They are drawing near"
    "The enemy army came nearer and nearer"

  2. come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character;

    "This borders on discrimination!"
    "His playing approaches that of Horowitz"

  3. begin to deal with;

    "approach a task"
    "go about a difficult problem"
    "approach a new project"

  4. come near in time;

    "Winter is approaching"
    "approaching old age"

  5. make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion;

    "I was approached by the President to serve as his adviser in foreign matters"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He still had not the courage to approach her.
  2. Such people as are friendly are easy to approach.
  3. She approached the bank for a loan.
  4. There is no one who even approaches his talents.
  5. Workers, above all, will know how to approach the problem correctly .
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Narration should become a basic approach to preschool education.
  2. I like her approach to the problem.
  3. High walls forbid all approach.
  4. The company makes an approach to the supermarket chain.
  5. They walked together slowly along the solitary and broken approach.
  6. The airplane made a faulty landing approach.
  7. That's the nearest approach to an apology you'll get from him.


用作動詞 (v.)
approach about (v.+prep.)
    就…提出要求 make a request to sb about a matter
    approach sb about sth/v-ing Few of the office workers dared to approach the director about their working conditions. 事業人員中非常少有很多人敢向辦公室主任提起事業必要條件上的請求。 I was afraid to approach them about this matter. 他怕與自己商討這款情況。 Did he approach you about lending him some money? 他約你是為了更好地貸款嗎? He was afraid to approach his father about borrowing more money. 他無法向他的老爸多借絲毫錢。
approach to (v.+prep.)
    接近 come near or nearer to sb/sth
    approach to sth He approaches to the character of the ablest statesman. 他有著幾乎最會干事的政冶家的口感。
approach toward (v.+prep.)
    靠近 come near or nearer to sb/sth
    approach toward sb Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman. 突然之間間想看到一偉岸的痕跡朝公安人員靠上。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The approach of a Comet to the Earth. 出自: W. Whiston
  • Casson's thoughts were diverted by the approach of the horseman. 出自: George Eliot
  • Upon nearer approach, he saw that a very dim light showed..at one window. 出自: R. P. Warren
  • Two policemen quickened their stride and approached us. 出自: E. Waugh
  • A minstrels gallery which..is approached by a winding staircase. 出自: A. Shaffer





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