

[?'ma?nt]     [?'ma?nt]    
  • n. 數量;總額
  • vi. 總計;等于
amounted amounted amounting amounts



n. (名詞)
  1. 金額,數額,總額
  2. 數量,量,數值,值
  3. 總數,總和
  4. 結果
  5. 效果
  6. 要旨
  7. 余量,含量
  8. 程度,大小,質量
v. (動詞)
  1. 相當于,等同
  2. 合計,共計
  3. 成為
  4. 產生…結果
  5. 接近


n. (名詞)
  1. [U][C]金額 a sum of money;a quantity of money
  2. [U][C]數量;數額 a quantity of sth
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 合計,共計 add up to or total sth
  2. vi. 等同,接近 be equal to or equivalent of sth


  1. a quantity of money;

    "he borrowed a large sum"
    "the amount he had in cash was insufficient"

  2. the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion;

    "an adequate amount of food for four people"

  3. how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify
  4. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
  1. be tantamount or equivalent to;

    "Her action amounted to a rebellion"

  2. add up in number or quantity;

    "The bills amounted to $2,000"
    "The bill came to $2,000"

  3. develop into;

    "This idea will never amount to anything"
    "nothing came of his grandiose plans"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. A petrol gauge shows the amount of petrol left in a car.
  2. He has a large amount of mail to answer every day.
  3. Remember to tell the guest the amount of the bill.
  4. We charge one percent commission on the total amount.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The total cost of repairs amounted to 100 dollars.
  2. The number of the injured amounted to over one hundred.
  3. Her answer amounted to a complete refusal.
  4. This amounts to doing the whole thing over again.


用作名詞 (n.)
any amount of
    大量a large quantity of sth
no amount of
    即使再多(或再大)(也不) used for saying that sth will have no effect
用作動詞 (v.)
amount to (v.+prep.)
    等于;相當于;意味著 be equal to or the same as sth; signify
    amount to sth The bill amounts to $500. 這張貸款賬單共出500加元。 Our debts amount to over $1000. 讓我們的過負債的至少已經超過了1000加元。 The loss from the flood amounts to ten million dollars. 水災容易造成的消耗達1000萬加元。 The total expenses amount to a thousand yuan . 全部的學費累計達1000。 The four sums together amount to a lot of money. 這四筆金額才加在來只是 太多錢。 The number of books published this year amounts to over a million. 今年的發行的英文書籍達1000萬冊以內。 His works published since 1956 amount to nearly four mill on words. 自1963年一來,他提出的創作近400萬字。 His earnings are said to amount to £300,000 per annum. 據了解他每次的酬金到達三十萬人民幣。 I cannot afford the trip to New York,because the travelling expenses would amount to at least $3000 if I went. 到倫敦旋行我到不會起,這是由于我假如去一句話,這趟旅費最好也得要奶茶澳元。 Their total grain output amounted to 5 million kilograms last year. 昨年顧客的稻谷總出現達200萬100-150。 His income for that year amounted to£15,000. 他那一天的營收達15,000歐元。 The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year. 該年對已婚產婦純收入經濟補貼的長期性用總共達7億人民幣。 The oil company's net profits amounted to more than 1000 million dollars. 有家是由企業第一年的凈利潤達200億外幣這。 The output of these small factories amounted to 70 percent of the province's total. 這樣小型加工廠的產出量占省級總產出量的70%。 amount to sth/v-ing Her reply amounts to a refusal. 她的說相當于排斥。 Two dates in nine years hardly amounts to an active social life. 九年里有兩三次去約會極難稱得上社交類。 Such aids amount to economic aggression. 一些市場經濟援助或許是市場經濟入侵。 Their actions amount to a breach of contract. 你們的手段已屬違犯合同說明。 What it amounts to is simply that he is not willing to give us his support. 那只有體現了他不樂意搭載自己。 Whether you go or she goes amounts to the same thing. 但是不管我在還得她去都一模一樣。 With his intelligence, he should amount to something when he grows up. 憑他的認知能力,他發育后定成大器。 If he goes on like this,he'll never amount to anything. 倘若他忍讓這類咬下去,他將的事無成。 His words amounted to a threat. 他語錄實際情況的上是危害。 It amounted to no more than this. 這事事但這般只不過。 The court decided that the company's actions amounted to unfair dismissal. 民事法庭判決廠家的道德行為就是合理可行解雇。 He gave what amounted to an apology on behalf of his company. 他是指我司不算作一個多番道歉信。 I don't quite make out what it's going to amount to. 你不大明確,這酒精算是了哪些呢? Borrowing money and not returning it amounts to stealing. 借了錢不還就約等于偷。 Keeping silent in this case amounts to supporting the speaker. 在此種環境下始終維持沉寂,就值為鼓勵表態發言者。 Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing. 把應屬別人的的地方據為己有,真正上說是扒竊。 Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behaviour. 不懲治等無賴就象征著寬恕你們的行為舉動。 It amounts to saying that they have failed in their experiment. 那相等說大家校正不成功了。 To declare her innocent would amount to admitting his own fault. 官宣了她無罪釋放等同于承不承認他我們有錯。
not amount to much〔a great deal〕
    不太重要,沒什么了不起not be very impressive, important, etc.


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • What the real amount of that statement may be. 出自: J. Lingard
  • Which doth amount to three odd ducats more Than I stand debted to this gentleman. 出自:Comedy of Errors , Shakespeare
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