

[?'ba?d]     [?'ba?d]    
  • v. 遵守;忍受;堅持
abider abode/abided abode/abided abiding abides



v. (動詞)
  1. 遵守
  2. 逗留
  3. 居住
  4. 忍受
  5. 容忍
  6. 等待
  7. 保持
  8. 繼續
  9. 忍耐
  10. 等候
  11. 持續
  12. 停留
  13. 居留
  14. 遵循
  15. 頂住
  16. <古>逗留
  17. 繼續存在
  18. 繼續下去
  19. 維持下去
  20. 留下
  21. 守候
  22. 經受住
  23. 堅持


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 容忍,忍受 tolerate; endure; bear; accept willingly
  2. vi. 逗留,居住 stay or live (in a place or condition)
  3. vt. & vi. 等候 wait for


  1. dwell;

    "You can stay with me while you are in town"
    "stay a bit longer--the day is still young"

  2. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

    "I cannot bear his constant criticism"
    "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"
    "he learned to tolerate the heat"
    "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Everyone must abide by the law.
  2. Once you make a promise, you must abide by it.
  3. She can't abide that man.
  4. I cannot abide the loud noise anymore.
  5. I abide by what I said.


用作動詞 (v.)
abide at (v.+prep.)
    〈舊〉在…居住;在…逗留live or stay at (a place)
    abide at sth They abide at a remote village. 她們住在一位偏僻地區的村屯里。 She abided at New York. 她住在倫敦。
abide by (v.+prep.)
    接受(不愉快的事等),承擔(后果等)accept sth without complaint
    abide by n\u002e/pron\u002e We must abide by the rules of the game. 你們都要準守棋牌游戲要求。 If you join the club you must abide its rules. 若是你建立這類樂部,就可以嚴格遵守樂部的要求。 Resident aliens must abide by the laws of this country. 其它海外僑民一定要認真執行你這個中國的民法。 We must abide by her decision. 各位不得不按她的來決定選擇。 We will abide by your decision. 咱們將按照你的定。 Both sides should trustworthily abide by the contract. 兩人均應遵守本勞務協議。 They have always abided by their promises. 我們時不時信守誓言。 If you make a promise, abide by it. 若果你留下許諾,要信守它. Having made our decision, we must abide by it. 表決都已經 得出,我就得遵照。 Let us abide temporarily by the majority 就讓們暫時性遵守越多越人的意見表吧。 abide by what -clause I abide by what I said. 我講過時是算數的。 You must abide by what you have said. 你聊天說話要算數。 abide by sth Abide by your decision. 堅定你的決心。 He abides by his resolution. 他不改目地。 The old man abides by his opinion. 這老大爺固執己見己見。 abide by sb He abides by his friends. 他忠實用戶。 abide by sth You must abide by the results of your mistakes. 犯了不正確的,你得自食其果。 You must abide by consequences of your decision. 你必需添加你所做絕對的危害。
abide in (v.+prep.)
    abide in sth She abides in New York. 她住在紐約市。 She used to abide in Guangzhou. 她往日居住在安徽。 They abide in a remote village. 這些 住在有一個偏僻地區的村莊里。 He abided in a small Scottish village almost all his life. 他在蘇格蘭的一款 小村落近乎住好幾個輩子。 They abided in the wooded hills. 大家 總是住在樹種枝葉茂盛的山間。 They would abide in the summer house. 許多人既然愛住在度假豪宅里。 He abided in the wilderness for forty days. 他在曠野重度經過40天。 When he came to London on business, he abided in the Thompsons'. 他到都柏林辦事效率時,住在湯普森家。 The king went to visit his daughter and abode in her palace for ten days. 帝王去探望外甥女,在她的皇宮住了五天。 abide in sth/ v -ing You shall abide in my love. 我無論如何愛上你。
abide with (v.+prep.)
    abide with sb Abide with me 《 和肩并肩》(亨利·弗朗西斯·萊特的1首贊譽詩名) I asked her to abide with me a while longer. 我請她我和他在來多呆會兒。 When was in London, Tom abided with his friend. 在都柏林時,湯姆和他客戶住在同食。 She abided with her aunt for six years. 她和姨娘在一個住了四年。 The man abided with the woman for twenty years. 這婦人和這婦人通奸了二十五年。 The child abided with his grandparents for three and a half years before being returned to his parents. 在進入雙親周邊之間,這幼兒和他祖雙親一塊兒活動了五年期半。 Abide with me; fast falls theeventide. The darkness deepens; Lod, with me abide. 留有來呆鄰居家;夜幕人族崛起早。暮色已浩渺,主啊,留有來呆鄰居家。 abide with sb The love abides with him all his days. 他這一生都提高著發自內心友情。 My love of talk still abides with me. 我可以做到著很愛談天的生活習慣。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Abide you here with the asse. 出自:Bible (AV): Genesis
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