




  • - (分離;離別) leave; take one's departure:

    say good-bye; 話別

    leave; part from; say good-bye; 告別

    - (區分) differentiate; distinguish:

    determine whether it's true or false; 別其真偽

    classify; put into different categories 分門別類

    - (用別針固定物體) pin up:

    pin a collar flower; 別上領花

    with a big red flower pinned on one's breast; 胸前別著大紅花

    - (轉動; 轉變) turn:

    turned one's head; 把頭別了過去

    lift up a leg 別起一條腿

    - (插住; 卡住) stick in:

    bolt the door; 把門別上

    with a pistol stuck in one's belt 皮帶上別著一支槍

  • - (差別) distinction; difference:

    a world of difference; 天淵之別

    distinction between sexes 男女有別

    - (類別) classification:

    official rank; 職別

    group; school; 派別

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Bie Can 別摻

  • - (另外) other; another; some other:

    another place; elsewhere; 別處

    have a distinctive interest; 別有情趣

  • - (不要)don't:

    Don't try that stuff with me! 別來這一套。

    No hurry.; Take your time. 別忙!

    - (跟“是”字合用,表示揣測) maybe:

    It's past the appointed time. Maybe he isn't coming. 約定的時間都過了,別是他不來了吧?



  1. 你走時別忘了鎖門。
    Don't neglect to lock the door when you leave.
  2. 不要干涉別人的事情。
    Don't meddle with other men's business.
  3. 這位不是別人,正是我的老朋友約翰。
    This is no other than my old friend, John.
  4. 我除了要通過考試之外,沒有別的心愿。
    I have no other wish except to pass the examination.
  5. 這位演說者除了想搞笑之外,沒有別的目的。
    The speaker has no other purpose except to make people laugh.
  6. 別人怎樣想對我們多半會產生很大影響。
    What others think exercises a great influence on most of us.
  7. 他除你之外就沒有別的朋友了。
    He has no friend other than you.
  8. 請別打擾我。
    Please leave me alone.


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